Charlee – How to teach little ones (without teaching them)

1. Is there a right way to raise babies, toddlers, and young children?
We believe that YES there is.
When we understand what it means to support proper nervous system development and full self-regulation, it becomes clear that raising and nurturing a human mammal is no different than what our furry mammal friends in the wild need. (In other words: what would Mama or Papa Bear do?)
2. What human infants and young kids need to develop optimally
The Beatles got it wrong:
Love is not all you need.
While love is most definitely part of the equation – attunement, secure attachment, unconditional safety, healthy boundaries, and even healthy shame (yes, you read that right!) are the essential ingredients to build up the foundations for solid self-regulation of the nervous system.
Carrie – The importance of mom getting her healthy boundaries on!
3. Is it possible to raise healthy humans in our current day and age?
Our current ‘western’ world makes it next to impossible to raise healthy, resilient, authentic humans, but there IS good news: we know what it takes to turn this ship around.
Hint: it starts with the parent(s) healing the wounds they still have inside their nervous systems from being raised in this toxic soup of a culture that is considered “advanced” and “progressive.” We also cover the importance of parents doing their own work to increase their capacity to be with their kids intense emotions, such as anger and aggression, as well as deloping their own capacity for play!
4. All the stuff not to do.
It is okay if you did it wrong or if you are utterly confused about what TO do. The key here is learning and evolution.
We cover topics like:
- Sleep training
- The cry it out (CIO) method
- Tummy time and contraptions
- Swaddling
- Baby food
- Time outs
Michelle – Why all the parenting books didn’t work until this came into place
5. Not a parent? This is still for you!
Please know that you do not have to be a parent to join us for this masterclass. Even if you don’t have little ones, or don’t plan on having them, (or you have adult children), we believe this learning should be universal.
This masterclass will also be good for school teachers, grandparents, and really anyone who is in contact with infants, children, and teens.
Let’s learn together!
Here’s what some of our previous Parenting Masterclass participants had to say:
- “A longer and focused session on parenting from a nervous system perspective,”
- “broad & integrative discussion of how to parent from a truly physiologically informed perspective”
- “it’s all about the basics, the missed basics”
- “My biggest takeaway was that all my parenting books and endeavors are a waste of time if my nervous system is not working well”
- “Straight forward truth without apology but compassionately presented”