Scientuitive Practitioner Track2024-09-22T19:36:59-07:00

We’re excited to announce the

Scientuitive Practitioner Track (SPT)

This is the official start of Irene Lyon providing advanced mentorship for those who would like to make nervous system healing and somatic trauma work their specialty via her signature Scientuitive approach*. This is for individuals who would like this work to be their primary career focus and/or to integrate with their existing work.

Applications are now closed.

Who is this for?

This will be open to those that have successfully completed at a minimum one round of all the neurosensory exercises in all 10 Labs, 9 Training Calls, and 9 Q&A calls within SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) and are interested in pursuing advanced mentorship work with Irene Lyon. Priority will be given to those that are committed to integrating this training into their existing scope of work or are certain they’d like to pursue a career in this field of work.

Please know that excelling in this field of work requires professional and personal drive.

In order to make this a career and make a living from it, one must approach this study and work as one would for any established profession. This apprenticeship is similar to a trades worker apprenticeship model, in this blend of education, mentorship and real life practice.

You must commit, study, practice, and know it won’t always be easy.

In order to fulfill the requirements to achieve a high level of competency AND confidence, a solid window of tolerance and ability to push past your comfort zone will be essential.

Irene’s goal for her future practitioners is to come out of these levels of training knowing what it means to do Good Work. This means it doesn’t have to be perfect, but it has to be ‘good enough’ to work with a variety of people and groups who have differing levels of regulation.

We envision a mentorship model that involves multiple levels of apprenticeship and training. Those who complete those levels of training and meet competency requirements, will qualify to receive a ‘Scientuitive Practitioner’ Certificate.

At this time we are beginning with a Level 1 pilot segment that will take place September 2024 – June 2025. This will include live and in-person training, online study, student and public practicums, integration and rest.

Note: Upon completion of the Level 1 pilot segment, our intention is to launch ‘Level 2’ starting September 2025 following a similar format to ‘Level 1’. The Level 2 segment will be dependent on participant interest and how Level 1 evolves. Additional levels of training may be added as we evolve SPT. Because we are in development of this advanced mentorship, we cannot guarantee future levels of training or the completion of SPT.

*About Scientuitive

Scientuitive is a term, coined by Irene Lyon in 2005 to denote the blending of science (biology) and intuition (interoception) that is in service of human healing. It is a culmination of her own professional training and practice within the methodologies of, Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Practice, Somatic Resilience & Regulation and last but not least, Feldenkrais ®.

The core body of work within the SmartBody SmartMind™️ (SBSM) curriculum, namely neurosensory exercises and their practical applications along with intellectual understanding of the new traumatology teachings (such as the works of Levine, Porges, Kain, Terrell, Scaer, Mate, etc.) will form and inform the foundations of what a Scientuitive apprentice will be studying, applying, and integrating with self and others.

Point of clarification: For example, as a Scientuitive Practitioner, you are NOT a Somatic Experiencing, or Feldenkrais practitioner. You will have a unique skill set that is a blend of principles and practices that are informed by these methods. A Scientuitive Practitioner’s intent will be to foster greater regulation and capacity for others, which can lead to many places (trauma healing; career or creativity advancement; better health; natural parenting practices, and so on).

The manner in which a Scientuitive Practitioner can work with others is endless.

The only limitation would be the practitioner’s capacity to create a practice for themselves and/or be innovative in how they bring this work to their existing career.

Monday March 4th 2024

Scientuitive Practitioner Track Info Session

If you are curious (and serious) about participating in SPT, then be sure to watch the replay of our info session held on Monday, March 4th.

Level 1

September 2024 – June 2025

Level 1 will be a deep dive into the application of practices and principles within the SmartBody SmartMind™️ (SBSM) curriculum.

  • The online training components, peer group work, personal field work, public practicums, and in-person retreat time will foster the repetition and revisitation of basic nervous system health practices such that the student is continually building their own personal regulation and capacity.

In addition to enhancing regulation and capacity, this training will be a unique opportunity to:

  • Develop a level of competency to educate and teach foundational pieces around growing nervous system capacity.
  • Work in a group environment to enhance communication skills of foundational nervous system health topics.
  • Create lifelong connections with peers (and future colleagues!) such that you have a new network for ongoing support and collaboration.
  • Be at the forefront of a new way of helping and supporting individuals to heal in private or group formats.


The Level 1 pilot segment will begin in September 2024 and will involve 8 months of active training, with 2 months of integration/rest/break time.

In-Person Intensives

In addition to online training, there will be two mandatory in-person intensives. For the in-person training intensives, we are looking to run two location cohorts of ~12-16 apprentices:

  • one in Greater Vancouver, Canada for the North American Cohort
  • one in Central Europe for our UK/European Cohort

Both cohorts will come together for collective online training. In-person intensives will be retreat-style with food and lodging included in the tuition.

Online Components

Our online time will be immersive and will take place from September 2024 to June 2025. 

See the CURRICULUM section below for more details.

Online work will NOT be based on an honour system.
This means that attending live training is mandatory. We will ensure that the time zone is set to support attendance for all trainees, and we will provide ample time to set and block off schedules.

Rest Periods

  • Break 1 (“winter break”): mid-December 2024 to mid-January 2025
  • Break 2: between mid-January to the end of June, 2025 there will be a two-week Spring break that is TBD, plus two additional weeks of break/rest/integration time.


As the SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) curriculum is considered to be the first module of this advanced mentorship, the theory and practical components within the Scientuitive Practitioner Track (SPT), will expand from the body of practical neurosensory work, theory, and principles within SBSM. 

The format in which the teaching and practice will occur, has been designed to strengthen the student’s existing knowledge while also expanding one’s capacity to be “on the spot” and connected to the basics of nervous system health. 

SPT is not about sitting and just listening to a lecture. It is about getting into the work and practicing it (theory and neurosensory exercises) in a variety of formats.

Some of the components that will be taught and delivered throughout Level 1 include, but are not limited to: 

  • Short online lectures revisiting old SBSM topics with new perspectives
  • Group discussions guided by new traumatology themes, prompts and case studies
  • Peer presentations of basic nervous system science 
  • Neurosensory exercise practicums with peers and public
  • Group Pod work with Seth Lyon for personal somatic trauma work
  • Feldenkraisian lessons for enhancing personal capacity
  • Thought-based assignments to enforce existing nervous system knowledge 
  • Ongoing collaboration and support within the mentorship peer group 
  • Self-care and self-study field work

Below are some logistical details for the Level 1 curriculum 

1 – Live Online Sessions (2 hours per week)

We are planning to have our live online lectures and meet-ups with Irene and/or faculty on Mondays. The exact time of day is to be determined but we will do our best to accommodate European/UK and North American Time Zones (most likely between the hours of 9 AM – 12 PM Pacific Time). 

2 – Live Office Hours (1-1.5 hours per week)

To further support self-study, students will have access to virtual office hours (via Zoom) at numerous times throughout our online time together with Irene and/or Team Lyon faculty. While these office hour slots are optional, attendance (or listening to the replay) is recommended. 

3 – Peer-to-Peer Online Work (1 – 1.5 hours per week)

In addition to live online time, you will be responsible for scheduling your group practice sessions that will take place outside of our live online time together. Group (peer) work will be planned well in advance to ensure schedules match up and are secured. These scheduled peer practice sessions will happen 2-4 times per month. The frequency and time requirement will be determined based on the online work being done each month. 

4 – Self-Study (1 – 2 hours per week)

You will be responsible for setting aside personal study time each week when we are in our online time together. What is assigned each week will vary and will be announced at each live online lecture with Irene. It is anticipated that a minimum of 90 minutes to 2 hours will be required for this self-study, however, some weeks may be more pending the week’s assignments. 

5 – In-Person Intensives 

In person learning, practice, and play is an essential part of this advanced mentorship track, and we are purposefully starting with these in-person intensives to establish group containment and get to know our cohort. 

The format for each day will follow similar themes to our online learning, but we will spend more time working with Feldenkraisian movement, with focus on developmental and structural movement patterns, as well as interactive and engaging “games” that are influenced by the Up & Down workshops that Irene co-teaches with Elia Mrak. 

You, as the student, will not only be receiving teaching, you will teach and “give” to your peers. Practicing and getting to know what it is like to teach live and in-person, is an essential part of our SPT Level 1. 

While there will be ample personal and rest time during our intensive days, these segments will demand healthy energy and the capacity to be IN it fully. 

5 – Rest and Integration 

As mentioned above in our ‘format’ section, there will be scheduled rest periods during Level 1. It is also important to factor in rest and integration time while IN our active online learning time together. Entering into Level 1 is a time commitment and will require ample space for live participation and study, which means it will be important to plan a shift in your typical week (life, family, work, play) for this mentorship. 

We do not recommend ‘cramming’ your  work in Level 1 and studying into your late evenings or only on your weekends. Please plan accordingly to ensure optimal success!


How Is the Level 1 Segment Different From SBSM?2024-03-03T21:49:41-08:00

SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM)’s focus is on self-healing.

Level 1 is focused on teaching others and/or groups how to gain capacity for self-healing, which can lead to trauma healing.

SBSM’s curriculum is organized in a way that the students self-lead and take their time to move through the content at their own pace.

Level 1 will have room for rest and integration. When we are in training, either live or online, there will be an expectation that students can maintain capacity and awareness, even if feeling activation in the form of fight, flight, or freeze. In other words, students must have enough of a real window of tolerance that can take a little positive stress, to stay on pace with the timeline of the curriculum.

Of course, there are times when a big “boulder” of stored survival stress might come up and out while in our training environment, and that is ok. It is key that each student can navigate that potential occurrence whilst in training, and then do the necessary steps to find support and take care of oneself outside of class time.

Will I qualify as a Scientuitive Practitioner after completing Level 1?2024-02-28T15:03:52-08:00

No. There is no formal certification upon completion of Level 1. However, participants will receive documentation outlining competencies met and total number of hours.

Our intention is that as we evolve the SPT offering and offer additional levels of training, successful students who meet competency requirements will be able to qualify as a certified Scientuitve Practitioner.

Will there be another opportunity to apply for the Level 1 segment?2024-02-25T22:49:01-08:00

At this time there are no secondary dates set for future cohorts.

Tuition & Payment Plans

Our intention is to make this training accessible to promising apprentices and support the development of advanced practitioners of this work. As such, we are supplementing much of the expense incurred to develop and run this advanced training.

Price for Level 1 (Sept 2024 – June 2025)

Single Payment:

$9600 USD

Payment Plan Option:

12 monthly payments of

$825 USD

Full or first payment required for successful registration – April 2024.
We will review the applications and aim to contact you in March or early April to inform you if you have been accepted and process payment at that time.

*Please note: To ensure commitment to oneself and to the group, no refunds will be offered. For cancellations that are based on qualified emergencies, exemptions may apply.

Important Notes

Note 1:

Tuition includes accommodations and meals for in-person intensives. Students are responsible for travel expenses and any related travel/medical insurance.

Note 2:

There will be a minimum of one POD with Seth Lyon during Level 1 which will help facilitate personal trauma work, included in the tuition. Fees for extra support in the form of private sessions (either Somatic Experiencing or its equivalent) is the responsibility of the student and to be done outside of class time.

Note 3:

We are exploring options for a longer payment plan and if that would be helpful for you to cover tuition costs, please let us know.

Get on the Interest List

Applications for Level 1 pilot segment are now closed. Join our Interest List for updates and future Scientuitive opportunities.

Science and Intuition

Scientuitive is a word that Irene thought up circa 2000 when she was deep in her masters of science work, while at the same time healing the orthopaedic injury and surgery that originally led her down the path of Feldenkrais, and then Somatic Experiencing, and the rest is history!

It is meant to denote the coming together of science, our biology, plus the entirety of the human system…along with… our intuition and our innate capacity to heal and be our own medicine.

It marks a union between two ideological beliefs that are often kept apart, but in reality are complementary.
