Social Media Guidelines


In addition to the relevant community partner guidelines that are listed below, we have included a few terms of conduct to guide your experience with our social channel. By being engaged with our social channel, you agree to abide by the following outlined guidelines. That means it’s your responsibility to read, understand, and follow these guidelines. Failure to comply with the guidelines will result in consequences detailed here.

Community Partner Guidelines:

Please note: all communication is subject to our terms and privacy policy.


The intention for this social channel is to provide education around nervous system health and introduce you to the work of Scientuitive – Fitness & Wellness Education Inc. Note, this social media channel is not intended to provide professional consultation or provide detailed responses to questions regarding a specific condition and/or struggle.

If you are looking for support for specific nervous system health related questions please visit our website where we provide online offerings that provide an opportunity for more detailed Q/A.

Personal Conduct

Be kind. Encourage and support each other on this social channel. Treat everyone with acceptance. If you disagree or have an opposing viewpoint to share, first seek to understand the other person’s point of view, ask questions, and gather information before responding. When and if you do respond, do it with respect and from a place of compassion. Spirited debate about ideas or concepts is welcome, personal attacks are not.

As a general guideline to posting, always remember to do it with intention. Connect with your body. Make it more than just an intellectual experience.

We recognize that members on this social channel represent diversity, and we welcome and celebrate that diversity. While we understand and respect that some people want to engage in online discussions around topics they feel passionately for such as politics, gun control, religion, race, sex, disability, marriage, etc. — those topics are not the focus of this social channel. If we feel a post is not serving the spirit of the group/social channel, or harmful to the group and/or individuals, we may take action (see Guideline Violations below).

Please note, we have a zero tolerance policy for harassment, hate speech of any kind, bullying, disrespect, drama or gossip, or sexually explicit content. Violations of this guideline are taken seriously, and may result in action up to, and including, immediate removal and blocking from our social channel.

Respect & Empathy

These are the primary qualities to embody when reading comments on this social channel.

Please remember that it’s NOT your job to fix anyone, or to try to make them feel better if they are having a tough time. It is our job to hold the intention that everyone has the capacity to heal. We ask that you DO NOT provide peer-to-peer counselling, direct advice, or to sell services of any kind.

No Promotion or Affiliate Links

Any solicitation, referrals or other posts that do not relate to the spirit of the group/social channel may be deleted. This is not a place to find customers, or recruit people to other programs or groups.

Privacy, copyright and trademark: 

You may not post or publish content that violates someone else’s intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark.

You may not publish or post other people’s private information such as their home phone number and address or threaten to share private information or incentivize others to do so.

The Fine Print

The statements on this social channel or in videos are simply opinion. Content presented or posted on this channel is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment or a professional therapeutic relationship. Content presented or posted is intended to provide general health information for educational purposes only and you should contact the appropriate healthcare professional before relying on any such information.

Scientuitive – Fitness & Wellness Education Inc. (“Company”) is not responsible for the actions or behaviours of any individual in this social media channel.

We reserve the right to change these Guidelines or to impose new conditions on the use of the social channel from time to time, in which case we will aim to inform you.

Scientuitive – Fitness & Wellness Education Inc. (“Company”) reserves the right to permanently block any individual or group at their discretion. Violation of any Guideline as determined by Company, is grounds for permanent suspension or blocking of an individual or group. Company reserves the right to remove any post or comment at its discretion.

Guideline Violations

If a guideline is violated, here’s what might happen:

  • Your comment or post may be deleted without notice.
  • We may permanently block you from our social media channel.
  • If the violation is significant or repeated and you are a current 21 Day Nervous System Tune-up or SmartBody SmartMind™ member, we may remove you from the course or program website without refund.
  • Our lawyer might reach out to you.

What to do if you see someone else violating the guidelines

  • Should you experience or witness a guideline violation within our social media channel, the best way to handle it is to report the post or comment by emailing [email protected]. You may also screenshot the message and send it to us in your email.


If you have a question related to these guidelines please email [email protected].

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and compliance with these guidelines. We hope you enjoy our social channel.

Scientuitive – Fitness & Wellness Education Inc.