IN THIS EPISODE – In part two of their talk, Mary Baird-Wilcock, CSEP continues her conversation with nervous system specialist Irene Lyon who simplifies how to listen to your body. Remember, when you take the time to listen to your body and give it what it needs to thrive, you unlock your most remarkable self. If you’ve experienced any of the following: digestive and immune system troubles chronic pains and illnesses habits and patterns that drive you (and the people in your life) crazy fatigue and brain fog depression, anxiety and stress or any mental roadblocks, fears and resistance that paralyze you from doing what you know (deep down) that you’re meant to do… Irene shows us that these are a few of the symptoms of a sick nervous system. And it’s no way to live – it’s not sustainable. There is a better way and a few of the perks of having a healthy nervous system include: better sleep at night boosted immunity elevated energy levels regulated gut health immediate stress relief and deeper emotional intelligence. So let’s dive back into this conversation with Irene Lyon as she simplifies it even further. Grab your journal and pen… go visit the bathroom (your bladder will thank you) and let’s get back into this conversation to spark positive change.