IN THIS TALK – Adrenal Fatigue is a common self diagnosis among health enthusiast. You may have ditched sugar and coffee, stop over exercising but still not feeling better…and wonder what the heck is wrong with me?? Well you may just be missing an essential part of your treatment and it has nothing to do with a special supplement or the next food to ditch or the latest most relaxing type of yoga. Stephanie Dodier’s discussion with Irene Lyon will very likely “blow your mind” when she explains the ONE component of adrenal fatigue that is almost never addressed even with the most advance protocol. This ONE component is also behind binge eating and any emotional eating .If you experience chronic fatigue, any auto-immune issues, thyroid conditions, fibromyalgia this is also a root cause YOU Must look at! Let me rephrase this… this is a MUST episode for every women!