If you’re landing on this blog post, you have found some keynotes that Irene wanted to capture from the registration period of SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) in September 2024. She highlighted an important passage from Bessel van der Kolk’s book, The Body Keeps The Score, via two different social media posts, and rather than having all these pieces in different places (Instagram and YouTube), she wanted to have them in ONE place for easy viewing. The topics covered are in relation to child abuse, early adversity, nervous system dysregulation, and the connections with chronic illness and chronic pain in adulthood.

This is essential education for anyone who is living with a chronic illness or who works with people to help them heal from these debilitating conditions.

Here is the passage from The Body Keeps the Score:

Here’s Irene’s short Instagram Live where she breaks this down:

Here’s the full long-form lecture Irene referenced in the Instagram Live:

Learn more about SBSM and Irene’s other paid online offerings.

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