Search results for: carrie bennett

What real cellular hydration & mitochondrial health is all about – with Carrie Bennett

2024-10-29T14:44:32-07:00December 25th, 2022|

I have a very special expert guest interview for you with the lovely (and well-informed) Carrie Bennett. She’s a quantum clinician with a ton of important knowledge to share.  You may have caught our chat earlier this year about the importance of sunlight and how it impacts our circadian rhythms, gut health, hormones, sleep, and much more. (If you missed it, watch it here!)  As promised, I’m excited to share ‘round two’ of our chat: What real cellular [...]

Understanding sunlight for health and healing with Carrie Bennett

2024-10-29T14:46:15-07:00August 7th, 2022|

In 2001 and 2008, I dove deep into the practices and applications of the Feldenkrais Method and Somatic Experiencing, respectively.  These two finds were life and career changing for so many reasons (I talk about this on my about page).  Then last year, one of my students introduced me to the concept of circadian and quantum biology.  And now I feel like the summer of 2021 will be another one of those key years, wherein I remember when [...]

Why Can’t I Sleep?

2024-04-20T18:29:22-07:00April 23rd, 2023|

Deep, restorative sleep is a gift. Unless it’s not coming easy—then it can feel like a nightmare.  I see this show up for folks in a number of different ways. Any of these sound familiar? You’re exhausted, but the second you lay down to go to sleep you feel WIDE AWAKE with a buzzing energy.  You fall asleep fine and are JOLTED awake with a racing heart that feels like a panic attack. You have no trouble falling [...]

Moving away from diet dogmas to seasonal and biological eating – with expert guest Sarah Kleiner

2024-04-21T04:06:16-07:00December 27th, 2022|

I’ve got an expert guest interview for you today with certified Nutrition and Quantum Health Coach Sarah Kleiner of Sarah Kleiner Wellness (formerly the Carnivore Yogi).  As her recent rebrand suggests, Sarah isn’t one to shy away from personal evolution and following her impulse.  The first time we spoke in 2021, Sarah shared how she healed her autoimmune troubles by shifting away from veganism to a carnivore diet. In 2022 she returned to share her newfound knowledge of [...]

Can this work heal autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, and other severe health issues?

2024-04-21T16:10:18-07:00September 14th, 2022|

Hi all! I get this question a lot, and so I wanted to dedicate a short blog post to it as the answer is complex. While this work can certainly help with, and even resolve these types of severe health issues, it's very important to also recognize that there can be multiple, more complicated causes for such problems which may not be related directly to trauma and the expected resultant nervous system dysfunction. If symptoms, issues and conditions [...]