I gotta say, I’m beaming with some pride as I write this post.
The interview chat I have for you today is with one of my very first online students.
Meet David – we met via Skype (yep, remember that?!) back in 2017 and recorded this round one chat.
And a few weeks ago we did a round two, six years after he embarked on his nervous system health and healing journey.
I do recommend both of our chats so that you can see the visible difference in his overall state of biological regulation, calm, and ease. Even my video editor, who has seen all my previous conversations with alumni, had NO clue this was the same David from 2017.
(Honestly, my heart is filled with joy as I think about how restoring nervous system health and regulation has contributed to finding his true path in life. I want this for everyone!)
I share this with you today because we are in the midst of a short registration window for my transformative online program, SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM), and sometimes a good heartfelt hero’s journey story is just what one needs to realize, ‘wow – I need to do this too!’
It was a pleasure to reconnect with him, banter back and forth about the nervous system, and how it has become a very hot topic the past few years. If you’d like to watch MORE stories of SBSM alumni and their successes over the years, click here for more.
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My interviews with Seth Lyon mentioned in the interview:
► Why meditating & cold plunging in paradise won’t heal your trauma
► Understanding the difference between healthy shame and toxic shame
► Book mentioned, Mastery by George Leonard
► If you’d like to connect with David Magness for nervous system-informed coaching, he can be reached here: davidmagnesscoaching@gmail.com