Today, I’m re-releasing a special topic lecture that I’d consider to be essential viewing for anyone looking to heal on a deep level: ALL THINGS Polyvagal.

The Polyvagal Theory (which, to be clear, my colleagues and I see as REALITY) refers to how our autonomic nervous system ensures our survival and safety via adaptive biological responses. 

It underpins much of what I teach around here. And it’s essential* to understand (in all of its complexity and glory) when working to restore regulation to a dysregulated autonomic nervous system. 

*Want to know why? Read the PS!

It also provides much-needed clarity to those searching for answers to their “mysterious” health/relationship/life struggles (to no avail!) for years or decades. 

In this video, you’ll receive top-notch education on all things Polyvagal, including: 

  • The anatomy and function of The Vagus Nerve (i.e., what the parasympathetic nervous system really is, as well as its unique dorsal and ventral branches).
  • The often misunderstood pieces around this topic (and why accuracy and discernment are important for healing).
  • How our early experiences (especially in the first three years of life) can set us up for sickness and struggle in adulthood. 
  • How to utilize this information to heal and restore nervous system regulation in adulthood.

I’ll also cover some important Polyvagal-related Q&As about halfway through the video. 

So if you’re wondering: Why am I like this? What’s wrong with me? Why is my body turning on me? Please take some time to soak up this foundational education.  

Please note: This video was originally released in February 2021, and because it is such an important topic, I felt it deserved ‘rerun status.’

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PS Here’s why I say this education is essential (testimonial shared with permission):

By the way, not all things ‘polyvagal’ are created equal. As this theory gains popularity, the more misunderstood it becomes. When it comes to healing the human body, complexity matters. 

Because there is a RIGHT way to do this work, here are TWO STEPS I suggest:

  1. Join the waitlist for our next live session of SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) in September > 
  2. Get started with 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up** (the 21 day course Jimena mentions) >

**I developed the ‘21 Day Tune-Up’ for exactly this reason: to help you get started anytime and support you for as long as you need, to lay the solid foundations of nervous system learning and capacity that often leads to pretty phenomenal healing in and of itself, AND prepares you to do the deeper work inside SBSM, my 12-week (lifetime access) nervous system rewire curriculum.

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Resources mentioned in the Vlog:

The Polyvagal Theory. Explained.

SmartBody SmartMind

Healing Trauma 3-Part Video Training

Book: The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations Of Emotions Attachment Communication Self Regulation

Book: Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma–An Integrative Somatic Approach by Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell

The ACE Study. Connections with Psychological Trauma & Physical Illness

Still Face Experiment: Dr. Edward Tronick

What is the fawn response?

Drop In Class