Andrew Gibbons

Unpacking Feldenkraisian learning & neuroplasticity with Andrew Gibbons

2024-04-26T14:56:18-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Practitioners & Professionals|

One of my first entry points into neuroplastic learning, and the capacity for the human system to rewire, change and evolve past “usual” standards of human potential, was via the work of Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais vis-à-vis the body of work called, The Feldenkrais Method.  I began this quest [...]

Feldenkrais and Musical Performance: Andrew Gibbons talks about finding skeletal support for better piano playing.

2024-04-26T23:13:57-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Movement. Awareness.|

For Pianists and ANYONE who sits and uses their arms and hands Andrew Gibbons, Classical Pianist and Feldenkrais Practitioner in New York City, describes the process of discovering whole body awareness from a Feldenkrais perspective and how to produce better musical sound by finding greater skeletal support in sitting. [...]