I recently got news that some of my SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM) students absolutely LOVED an old YouTube video of mine wherein I talk about, ‘The 3 things to know when healing anxiety.’
To be honest, I don’t remember every single detail of every single video I’ve done, so I had to take a moment to review this video to see what all the rave was about!
I can see why they like it: it broke down some of the fundamental pieces to understand, and also put into practice, when embarking on this journey of healing the nervous system.
Some of the key points I covered in this video are:
- What anxiety is from a biological lens (hint: it is stored survival stress; aka: fight/flight/freeze).
- The importance of working with the bigger picture (seeing the body as an integrated unit and also how it connects to the outside world).
- Healing ‘anxiety’ is not just about the “release” – it is about growing capacity in the entire human system.
- Plus, I offer up some easy daily practices for beginning the process of growing your somatic and nervous system capacity.
Here’s what one person said a few months ago when they watched this video:

The nervous system has a sneaky way of dosing out new insights and opportunities when the time is right, so even if you’ve been with me for a while, be it as a student, or religiously following my videos, or maybe both, it is never a bad idea to review old material and see what might unfold from a rewatch.