In case you are brand new here, SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM) is my signature lifetime membership online curriculum that we run in live 12 week ‘semesters’, usually a couple times a year. It was created to aid you in becoming your own medicine, such that you can resolve trauma and restore regulation to your autonomic nervous system.
Healing is a 100% personal journey, so I cannot and will never make assumptions about your unique path. But if you’re on the fence about doing SBSM (aka: you’ve felt a pull to sign up but you’re just not SURE), then it’s possible that what’s stopping you is one of these five (common) things.
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Affordability IS a real consideration for many, AND it can be tough to understand how the price of SBSM may be relatively low compared to the cost of seeing a therapist, a myriad of medical and/or holistic specialists, and all the other things a person often does to heal, say, depression or an autoimmune disorder over a number of years – not to mention time off work, and the many hidden costs of chronic health issues linked to stored trauma and nervous system dysregulation.
Time and again, my team and I have witnessed healing and transformation that many members had thought impossible after years (often decades) on “the hunt for a cure” – trying what seemed like EVERYTHING* and spending a LOT of money in the process!
Another consideration that may ameliorate the cost is that nervous system health impacts many areas of life that also affect our financial health. It’s hard to make a good living if we are bogged down by the symptoms of unresolved trauma, or if we aren’t fully connected to our sense of self, our self-worth, authenticity, and purpose, not to mention having enough lifeforce energy to carry out said purpose. And don’t forget: we offer both full & 12x monthly pay options (more info here). Finally, we also offer a 30-day refund period so you can give the program a solid try and discover it is a good fit for you before fully committing your resources.
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People often say healing should be free and, actually, I agree! I wish we were at a point on Earth where this knowledge and these practical tools were not only available for free, but an integral part of all public education and medical systems. However, that is not the world we are in… yet. For now, we all have to pay for all sorts of things, including the kind of expert guidance and support we provide in SBSM which, I guarantee, is NOT available for free on YouTube.
That said, if what is possible for you right now IS my open-source content and free resources, then please continue to make FULL use of them. Of course, there’s plenty more out there than just ‘my stuff,’ but it’s worth remembering that not all guidance is equal and not all guides are good. Or, as the Grail Knight told Indiana Jones: “You must choose. But choose wisely, as the true grail will bring you life, and the false grail will take it from you.”
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Timing is everything, and, for this work to work, we MUST feel an inner knowing that says, “Yes, NOW is the time!!” So if the time really doesn’t feel right for you now, then I encourage you to honour that. But if that ‘Yes!’ is showing up for you, then I encourage you to act now (not later).
And remember: your access to the curriculum and the 1-2 x annual live sessions of SBSM is FOR LIFE! Which is why when we say that there is no such thing as ‘behind,’ we really mean it!
For more info, and an estimate of how much time it takes to go through the program, click here.
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Confused about whether this nervous system work will help to heal a specific condition, illness, or symptom? Know this: The nervous system governs it ALL, so when we are living most of the time in survival, and those fight, flight, and freeze responses are running the biological ‘show,’ all healing is deemed ‘low priority’ by the system, and the ‘status quo’ can be tough to change.
But when we shift OUT of survival mode and INTO true regulation, we start to repair and regenerate. What needs healing will be brought forth by our body’s organic intelligence. It really is that simple, and this is what SBSM can teach you how to reclaim. Skepticism is a normal part of our survival response. It tries to keep us protected and in familiar (‘safe’ but often not helpful) territory. For more on confusion, skepticism, and why the impact of nervous system health and healing can be difficult to ‘get’ until you ‘get it,’ click here.
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SBSM is about learning and taking the necessary steps (in a sequenced, polyvagal-informed way) to rewire the nervous system, so true regulation can become a reality. See our program syllabus page for a detailed breakdown of what you get as a member, including exactly what’s covered in the curriculum. But the value of SBSM is not only in the curriculum, it’s in the expert guidance and support that is part and parcel of membership. And I’m not just talking about myself. The combined professional acumen of our team is simply unmatched in this arena. Also, becoming a member means lifetime access to all the content, which is frequently added to and improved, and an ability to return for no extra charge every time we are in live session, to ask questions and receive expert guidance from our team.
*Even if you feel like you have tried EVERYTHING, if you haven’t healed at the nervous system level in the way that SBSM is curated:
- With the power of neuroplastic healing sequencing
- Working with the stress organs that hold trauma
- A Feldenkraisian lens that helps you relearn you how to learn
- Plus practical Somatic Experiencing exercises
- Plus professional support from our team of nervous system healing experts
… then it’s possible that you have NOT tried everything… yet.
Read more about SmartBody SmartMind and sign up (when we are in our open registration periods) here.