If you’ve ever read my emails and thought “but I can’t afford it” or “it’s only for people with money,” then this one’s for you.

My husband, Seth, recently interviewed Marina, an incredible woman from Egypt who healed from a mental breakdown and landed a new job – all by using my free resources alone.

Yes, free resources. No paid programs, no low fee drop-in classes. Just the free stuff.

Marina’s story proves that not everybody needs to spend thousands to heal

Granted, not everybody is as self-directed as she is, and many people will benefit greatly from having the professional support of a good practitioner, or of an entire team of good practitioners, as is available via my online programs. 

But, if you’re willing to put in the work like she did, you may not have to spend a single dollar.

Don’t take my word for it…

Listen to Marina’s journey for yourself: