Since starting SBSM in February 2023, Leora has progressively experienced layers of relief and healing that many of these professionals might deem ‘impossible.’

I’m sharing a NEW interview chat with a very special guest, whose story is a testament to the fact that we do not have to be defined or limited by the medical diagnoses we’ve been given. 

Meet Leora. 

She’s a member of my SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) program who had been given a whole “shopping list” of syndromes and labels by medical professionals by the time she discovered this nervous system and somatic work…

Since starting SBSM in February 2023, Leora has progressively experienced layers of relief and healing that many of these professionals might deem ‘impossible.’ In this chat, we discuss:

  • Her diagnoses, including syringomyelia (a neurological disorder that she was born with), CFS, fibromyalgia, POTS, ADHD, PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), and more… 
  • The impact of being ignored, gaslighted, and given bad advice by medical professionals
  • The upside of finally getting a diagnosis (or several) & the importance of self-advocacy
  • The link between early (and in-utero) trauma and so many of these chronic illnesses
  • Finding individual ways, guided by your own body, to work with procedural memory
  • How her relationship with pain has shifted and changed through SBSM & this work
  • And so much more… 

Watch ‘Medical gaslighting & healing complex chronic illness with Leora Leboff’ >>

To all those who are living with complex chronic illness or ‘mysterious’ symptoms, I truly hope something in Leora’s story sparks some courage to start or continue your own healing journey. 

The next enrollment time for SBSM is coming up in early September 2024. Learn more and get on the waitlist at