I’ve TRULY been looking forward to sharing this powerful new video testimonial with you.

It comes from Hosannah, a SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) student who joined my 12-week nervous system rewire program after completing the 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up course.

Hosannah went into SBSM feeling “skeptical but hopeful.” Watch her 4-minute video to hear her describe the moment, just a few weeks into the program, that transformed her experience of life:

(Watch till the end! It brought me to tears.)

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Want to experience this level of healing for yourself? Consider joining the next live round of SBSM. Doors open September 3 – 10. Click here to learn more and get on the waitlist.

Bottom line:

When done correctly, with solid guidance plus education, and practical exercises that touch directly into the nervous system, plus expert practitioner support, this work really does work*! 

*Even for those who (like Hosannah) have a history that includes “severe” early trauma. 

The format of SBSM enables a safe, autonomous way to learn and heal which is actually very well suited for treating early/developmental trauma. And, given that there are nuances for how one would engage with this work when early/developmental trauma is in the picture, SBSM also offers Special Topic Q&A Calls with Seth & Jen and a downloadable Early Trauma Tips eBook.

Still wondering if you can have “too much trauma” for an online course? >> Refer to Hosannah’s story for the answer and to this article for more on why ‘online’ can be a potent way to heal.

To your nervous system health & healing!

PS If you caught my last SBSM blog post or email, you may remember me saying that skepticism is a good sign. It means your healthy fear is still doing its job! Because fear is a biological emotion that’s essential for survival. Without fear, we would have no signals to let us know that something isn’t safe. But things get tricky when that healthy fear gets thwarted and stuck – which is typical with early/developmental trauma. Befriending this fear starts with studying and training your nervous system. For more on healthy fear (and how it connects with early trauma), read this blog.