The first time I ever bought an online program was in 2011. I was on an unsecured connection at a Starbucks in Bellevue, Washington. I still remember punching in my credit card number, wondering if I should be doing that (was it safe?). 

The online program I bought was well beyond my budget at the time. It was $1999 USD, and it was ‘only’ an 8-week program. But it was also the start of a journey that has given me the skills to bring MY work to an online forum (if you are curious, the program was called B-School, and to this day its founder, Marie Forleo, is still running her program, helping people like me to get their important work out into the world, via the power of the internet).

If it wasn’t for making that leap, and paying what was then, at least for me, an obscene amount of money to a complete stranger, I would not be here today, writing this to you… 

People often say that healing should be free. Oddly, what many get in the end IS, or it can end up generating MORE abundance because the ripple effect with this work is unique. 

It impacts areas of your life that tend to impact finances. It’s hard to make a good living if we are bogged down by the symptoms of unresolved trauma, or if we aren’t fully connected to our sense of self and self-worth, authenticity, and purpose, not to mention having enough lifeforce energy to carry out said purpose.

I am telling you this story because…

Of course, poverty and cost of living is real. AND it may be tough to understand how the price of SBSM is LOW compared to seeing a therapist, a myriad of holistic specialists, and all the other things a person would do to heal, say, depression or an autoimmune disorder over a multitude of years, not to mention time off work (many alum have been at their wits end, after spending so much time, money, and energy on “trying” to heal before SBSM FINALLY did the trick!). 

We’ve had humans from over 60 countries “walk” the virtual hallways of SBSM since this program’s inception in 2015. If you haven’t taken a little time to review some of our many student success stories, I’ll nudge you to do so.

After each day when we are in SBSM live, and throughout the weeks, and now years, my team and I have witnessed healing and transformation that most thought was not possible after years (and often decades) of searching, trying different healing methods, and yes, putting out a lot of money doing so!

This work has: 

Changed their world.

Changed the worlds of those they touch, interact with, and help.

Changed how they parent and raise the next generation.

Changed their capacity to be with the increasing complexities and stressors that surround us on a daily basis (with sanity).

Bottom line, this work is changing the world. Not only that, it’s capable of changing YOUR world.

Dr. Peter Levine, founder of Somatic Experiencing, whom I give so much credit to, has said:

“The world won’t fully become enlightened until each and every person on the planet has a regulated nervous system.”

* * *

But the value of SBSM is in more than the curriculum itself, it’s also in the fact that you’re getting a world-class expert who has studied at the highest levels. And I’m not just talking about myself. The combined qualifications of our SBSM team is simply unmatched in this arena.  

If you know the time is right for you to take the plunge, and commit the way I did back in that Starbucks in 2011…then let this be a potent reminder that what’s waiting for you on the other side is way beyond what you can imagine. 

Here’s to taking a much needed leap to restore health, and healing once and for all!


PS If the time really doesn’t feel right for you now, honour that too. Timing is everything, and one must feel an inner knowing that says, “Yes. Now. This is the time!!” But if that YES is showing up for you, then act now. At the time of publishing this story, SBSM registration is currently open (Sep 3 – 10, 2024) but if you’re reading this after that window, then be sure to get on the waitlist!