Got a short one for you today that is all about what true nervous system regulation REALLY is. Dive in.
Please know that reaching this holy grail of health (aka: full autonomic nervous system regulation) does not mean that we won’t get stressed out.
It also does not mean that we are forever immune to future traumatic events, or that we can just fly by the seat of our pants, as they say, and avoid healthy lifestyle practices day in, day out.
What it does mean, is that we get something called a ‘window of tolerance’ that gives us more endurance to stressful events, so we are not constantly thrown into a cycle of post-traumatic stress, for example.
What this video talks about is how we can fail to realize full nervous system regulation (and our potential) because of excessive reliance on management and coping practices, that while good from time to time, don’t force us to grow true internal somatic regulation.
Irene's Musings
And on that note of building up more nervous system regulation …
This would be a good time to bring up the concept of internal safety and why focusing on this, and building up our somatic capacity, is essential for restoring full regulation.
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Resources I Share in the Vlog:
VIDEO: Regulation before relaxation
ARTICLE: Early trauma & chronic illness
VIDEO: How to create a healthy human being starts here
VIDEO: Polyvagal theory explained
VIDEO: On ice bathing and the nervous system
VIDEO: Kathy Kain Interview