Healing Trauma

The wellness “industry” will collapse without this

2025-01-15T16:11:12-08:00Healing Trauma, Irene's Musings, Nervous System Health, Practitioners & Professionals|

Nine years ago I wrote what I believe to be one of the best articles of my life.  Back then, only my Somatic Experiencing colleagues understood I was predicting. (If memory serves, it did offend a fair few…) Patiently, I’ve been waiting to see if my predications were accurate. [...]

‘Why do we wait to hit rock bottom to heal?

2024-12-19T11:08:59-08:00Healing Trauma, Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Nervous System Health, Nervous System Regulation, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

The New Year is here! Late 2024, I started to reflect a LOT on the past 10 years. All of which I have dedicated to bringing this nervous system healing trauma "stuff" into the online space (for those new here, this short page talks more about this).  It [...]

The REAL Polyvagal Theory (how childhood stress can create chronic illness)

2024-10-24T14:32:37-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Regulation, Pain & Chronic Illness, Polyvagal Theory|

There is a virtual circus of misinformation in ‘somatic’ spaces these days.  It’s become such a problem that I now try to avoid using the word ‘somatic.’ Sad, but true! It's been so overused (anyone else sick & tired of hearing the word somatic?) and its meaning so [...]

THE LONG GAME WINS. Why you can’t quick-fix nervous system regulation

2024-10-01T17:27:06-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health, Nervous System Regulation|

I see comments like these pop up on my YouTube and Instagram all the time: "It didn’t do anything." "Nothing happened." "It’s not working." These responses come from folks who try one of my neurosensory exercises and expect instant transformation.  Hey, I get it. When you're looking for [...]

Preverbal terror: how to identify, release & work with it

2024-10-03T10:11:35-07:00Early and Developmental Trauma, Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health|

This week, I’m sharing my answer to another great question from a member of this community: “How do you identify and release preverbal terror from the body, how do you even get to it?” First, here’s a quick definition for those who may not be familiar:  Preverbal terror [...]

Learn to release your trauma safely (using free resources alone). Marina’s story

2024-09-23T03:17:04-07:00Free Stuff, Healing Trauma, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

If you’ve ever read my emails and thought “but I can’t afford it” or “it’s only for people with money,” then this one's for you. My husband, Seth, recently interviewed Marina, an incredible woman from Egypt who healed from a mental breakdown and landed a new job – [...]

Coping mechanisms & early trauma – an alternative to going “cold turkey”

2024-08-27T16:56:14-07:00Addiction and Recovery, Healing Trauma, Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Live Events, SmartBody SmartMind|

Nuanced nervous system education from inside SBSM…  Registration for the next round of SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) is just around the corner!  And before doors open THIS Tuesday, September 3, we wanted to share one final nugget of nervous system education.  You’ll also find a run-down of what to [...]

Can you have “too much trauma” for an online course? Hosannah’s story.

2024-08-21T09:25:16-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Resiliency, SmartBody SmartMind, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I’ve TRULY been looking forward to sharing this powerful new video testimonial with you. It comes from Hosannah, a SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) student who joined my 12-week nervous system rewire program after completing the 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up course. Hosannah went into SBSM feeling “skeptical but hopeful.” [...]