Drop-In Classes

Softening the spine


Softening the spine This class explores how gentle focused intention, alongside subtle movement that's initiated by curiosity, can bring about a whole lot of ease and possibility within not only the spine, but the entire nervous system. COST: $19 USD Date: May 2021 Purchase [...]

Exploring our left & right sides


Exploring our left & right sides This clas is all about bringing attention to habits, creating easier movement with intention, and exploring what it means to have greater possibility, not only physically, but metaphorically. ** PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of this class, there will be a [...]

Orienting as a resource


Orienting as a resource This class will awaken your senses in a gentle way, drawing upon your imagination, intention, and attention to create states of ease and goodness in your somatic system (aka: your body!). Along with this special theme, we will mix in the basics of orienting, following impulse, [...]

Expressing your animal self


Expressing your animal self This will be a solid hour to reconnect to your true human nature of connection and curiosity, and to remember your mammalian nature and allow what is there to express. Along with this special theme, we will mix in the basics of orienting, following impulse, allowing [...]

Ancient Anxiety Medicine


Ancient Anxiety Medicine The focus of this class is self-touch and containment, or as I sometimes like to call it, Ancient Anxiety Medicine. In addition to this focus on containment, we will work with the basics of nervous system awareness (orienting, following impulse, connecting to the environment). [...]

The Love Muscle


The Love Muscle “Heartspace” is a term used a lot in the healing/mind-body worlds, and yet the manner in which it is often brought to our attention, in my opinion, lacks specificity. The mediastinum (dubbed the ‘love muscle’ by my teachers) is a gossamer-thin wrapping that literally holds our [...]