Back Pain

“Pain is trapped sensation.” How nervous system work can help heal chronic pain

2024-04-20T12:39:14-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness|

Do any of the following statements resonate with you? “I kept getting physio, acupuncture, and massage. But it wouldn’t go away.” “You go to physio, you feel a bit better, you think you’re on the mend, you start doing stuff, and then the pain just comes back full [...]

The 3 Top Reasons Back Pain NEVER Goes Away – Reason #1 “Being Stuck In A Functional Freeze Pattern”

2024-04-26T21:23:42-07:00Movement. Awareness., Nervous System Resiliency, Pain & Chronic Illness|

Have you flown on a plane before? You know that feeling when they pressurize the cabin? If you pay close attention when they do this you'll actually experience a significant shift in your body physiology. Spaces that aren't very big, like your inner ear canals, feel heavy and might [...]

Achy Back and Knees? Why getting more flexibility and “smartness” in those ankles will help ease the ache (trust me on this one!)

2024-04-26T22:46:40-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Movement. Awareness., Pain & Chronic Illness|

Click here to re-tweet Achy Back and Knees? Why getting more flexibility and "smartness" in those ankles will help ease the ache (trust me on this one!) If anyone knows about achy knees it's me. Most chronic aches and pains, especially in the knees and lower back, [...]