Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself. If you do use the link located near the bottom of the page, it is an affiliate link therefore I earn a small commission if you choose to continue using Touchstone Essential products in the future. Also, some of the information being presented on this webpage was provided by Touchstone Essentials. If you have any questions regarding their statements, please direct them to their support team, support@TheGoodInside.com.

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Today, I have a very special guest interview for you with Eddie Stone, founder of a company called Touchstone Essentials.

He and I did our first interview chat back in August 2021, and you can find that one here: “Healing from toxins & detoxing with zeolite.”

We need to fuel our body with what it needs. And we need to remove from our body what it doesn’t need. (This is what the FIRST stage of neuroplastic healing sequencing is all about!)

And as it turns out, this is getting harder and harder to do these days. 

Eddie brings solid knowledge and insight around why that is (think: too many toxins, not enough micronutrients) and how we can SUPPLEMENT our body so we can thrive in the modern world. 

Since we last spoke, I’ve added another one of their supplements to my daily routine that’s been an absolute game-changer—Fulvic Minerals

So today I’m sharing a NEW interview chat with Eddie: Nature’s supplements for optimal cellular health. (Along with a special and time-sensitive offer which you’ll find below.)

Some of you may be thinking, “Seriously, Irene? You’re promoting a product?” 

Yes, it’s the ONLY company I promote in this way, and it’s because these supplements have been monumentally helpful in my personal health and healing journey. 

If you’re skeptical of supplementation, that makes so much sense. (We get into why 99% of supplements on the market today are a total waste of money in our chat!)

To be honest, I used to be too. I thought that making healthy choices and healing my traumas would be enough to achieve optimal health. 

This education from Eddie helped me realize I was wrong. 

The fact is, most of us aren’t getting what we need from our food supply (for reasons we cover in our chat), and thankfully, the RIGHT supplements can help. 

Learn more about Eddie, his company, what these minerals are, and why they’re so essential in this day and age in this video.