Most of you probably don’t know this, but before I got into nervous system work, healing trauma, and all things neuroplasticity, I majored in exercise and biomedical science, as well as applied human nutrition (all these details are on my about page). 

I studied nutrition and all the things related to hormone health, sports nutrition, metabolic syndrome, even geriatric nutrition, at a fairly high level, but the nervous system ‘stuff’ pulled me in way more. 

(Please know that) going more ‘nervous system’ focused does not mean that I don’t cherish all of my previous studies! If anything, I’d say that I am craving being up to speed with what is out there currently in the nutrition and biomedical/endocrine and health-related fields. That’s why I love meeting those, like my guest today, who have followed these nutrition-related paths and have kept up with the current research, practical know-how, and more. 

Meet Kitty (Catalina) Martone, also known as, The Healthy Gut Girl. 

I originally met Kitty when I was on her show, and I’ve been following her work around hormones, sleep, the microbiome, and gut health ever since. 

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Show Notes/Extra Resources:

My guest today is Kitty Martone, aka: Healthy Gut Girl. She is the host of the podcast ‘Stuff Your Doctor Should Know’, 3 time author of top rated Amazon gut-centric books, she’s a Master Herbalist and Functional Nutritionist and investigative health journalist. 

To follow Kitty and learn more about her work, head to her site:

Her private Facebook group, Estrogen Dominance Support Group:

The podcast episode wherein I’m on her show can be found here:

Kiran Krishnan:

Jennifer Margulis:

Magnesium product that Kitty uses, mentioned during the show, Mag Soothe:

Precision Prebiotic was another supplement she mentioned:

Fibre supplement Irene mentioned was:

A couple resources on exercise and healing trauma:

 – VLOG: