
Testimonials Based around Feldenkrais & Athletic Performance – What past clients have said about our work together.

Here's testament to the amazing results that athletes have got by combining Feldenkrais' principles and practices into their training routines. // “The day after I had a private lesson with Irene, we had an on snow training session and I noticed right away that my skiing was effortless. I [...]

Returning to the HERE and NOW. A sound meditation to bring you back.

The ability to “orient” to your immediate surroundings is key in cleansing trauma from the nervous system. This audio session focuses on the practice of orientation.  audio file: Level 1: Orientation (10 mins) . What to know about orientation When things like anxiety or a stressful situation threaten to overtake [...]

Lessons from a Stubbed Toe: “Accident-Trauma-First Aid”

Stubbing my toe in Berkeley I was walking quite fast through the residential area of Berkeley, California, this past October. I was wearing my open-toed Birkenstock sandals when BAM! “Ouch, #!^*…Oh, that REALLY hurts...” An uneven slab of sidewalk had put an abrupt stop to the forward motion of my second toe [...]

Melt away chronic tension by finding your perfect posture in only 10 minutes! An audio exercise to start you out.

Everyone OBSESSES about their posture. Do you? The trouble is, Western society has some crazy ideas about how to find good posture. It’s a huge problem, actually, because many of those ideas screw us up. In fact, more often than not, they’ll actually make your posture worse, and your functional daily [...]

Re-Routing My Wiring: Back to Whole-Self Neuroplasticity (and not having to pay for parking…)

Click here to Re-Tweet about Re-Routing My Wiring-Back to Whole-Self Neuroplasticity (and not having to pay for parking) I've been away in Seattle for a few days, doing a few Feldenkrais sessions with my main Feldy mentor Jeff Haller. This last weekend's few lessons were good for a few [...]