
An Exercise in Attention to Safety, Senses & Breath (aka: Re-Setting Your Nervous System to the Here and Now)

It’s likely that sometime soon you’ll encounter some stress that will rev up your body’s physiology. It’s also possible that you’ve got some stress that’s still sitting in your system from yesterday, last week, last year, or a decade ago. Here’s the thing, our body getting hit with stress [...]

Produce the conditions so that you can learn. Industrial vs agricultural models of education Click here to re-tweet "Produce the conditions so that you can learn: Industrial vs agricultural model of education" Two Lectures. One Message. Today I had the pleasure of listening to a lecture given by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais in the early 80's during his last North American Feldenkrais Training [...]

Get healed, or (better yet), facilitate your own healing. Musings on the word “healer”.

In my life, two major (health-related) events have catalyzed my quest for learning very detailed ‘stuff’ about my own body and various healing modalities and medicines. The first were a handful of pretty bad knee injuries that weren’t getting better with conventional therapies (actually the knee pieces got fixed [...]