
Feldenkrais and Musical Performance: Andrew Gibbons talks about finding skeletal support for better piano playing.

For Pianists and ANYONE who sits and uses their arms and hands Andrew Gibbons, Classical Pianist and Feldenkrais Practitioner in New York City, describes the process of discovering whole body awareness from a Feldenkrais perspective and how to produce better musical sound by finding greater skeletal support in sitting. [...]

Feldenkrais and Kids With Motor Disorders: Sheryl Field and The Field Center

Sheryl Field is the founder of The Field Center: For Children’s Integrated Development. What she does and the remarkable impact she has made on the lives of many families who were given very little hope for their children’s disabilities must be shared with other families in similar situations. Video Clip [...]

Power Cleans (the exercise) and Feldenkrais (the method and the man).

Lifting Real Weight Intelligently Many don't realize that Moshe Feldenkrais, the founder of the Feldenkrais Method was at one point a very talented athlete, laborer and martial arts expert. He understood what it meant to lift weight. REAL WEIGHT. Proportional distribution of muscular tone, optional transmission of force [...]

Dr. Peter Levine, the founder of Somatic Experiencing explains how the human system can heal and self-regulate from traumatic events.

Click here to re-tweet "Dr. Peter Levine, the founder of Somatic Experiencing explains how the human system can heal and self-regulate from traumatic events." Why Do We Humans Get "Stuck" in our Traumatic Events While Animals in the Wild Don't? There is much to be learned from our fuzzy [...]

The Simplicity of Feldenkrais: Baby Liv shows you some simple movements to start you out.

Want to understand the simplicity of a Feldenkrais Movement Lesson? Just go to the simple foundations of human development. Ready for your first class? This is a montage of a little baby named Liv doing what babies do during their first year of life. It is these first [...]

My research with higher intensity strength training, why high intensity exercise is essential and introducing “The Healthy Skeptic”

One of the things I am really excited about is bringing in other bloggers and highlighting them on The Human Groove. It seems my generation (those born somewheres between 1975/73ish to 1982/85ish) are seeing the importance of sharing, collaborating and not being afraid to trade our secrets. Openly. I [...]