awareness through movement

The principles of movement that saved my movement. On magic, voo-doo, witchcraft and simply noticing what is invisible, yet all around and in us.

2024-04-30T15:12:51-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Movement. Awareness., Unabriged Musings: Anecdotes from personal life|

Several people said, "It's magic!" I read the above orange letters in a colleagues newsletter a day or so ago. The magic that is being talked about is what people said after they experienced some good old Feldenkrais-Love. I get similar comments from my class participants. I've been called [...]

How to be Comfortable Sitting on The Ground. Step 1 – Lengthen Those Tight Hamstrings. [ATM @ Alta (the bistro in Whistler)]

2024-04-26T22:37:55-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Movement. Awareness.|

Click here to re-tweet "How to be Comfortable Sitting on The Ground. Step 1 - Lengthen Those Tight Hamstrings." This morning I taught a Feldenkrais Movement Class (aka: "ATM", or Awareness Through Movement) at a local bistro, Alta Bistro. One of the managers loves ATM, and he really wanted [...]

Power Cleans (the exercise) and Feldenkrais (the method and the man).

2024-04-26T23:15:25-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Movement. Awareness.|

Lifting Real Weight Intelligently Many don't realize that Moshe Feldenkrais, the founder of the Feldenkrais Method was at one point a very talented athlete, laborer and martial arts expert. He understood what it meant to lift weight. REAL WEIGHT. Proportional distribution of muscular tone, optional transmission of force [...]

The Simplicity of Feldenkrais: Baby Liv shows you some simple movements to start you out.

2024-04-30T15:34:42-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Movement. Awareness.|

Want to understand the simplicity of a Feldenkrais Movement Lesson? Just go to the simple foundations of human development. Ready for your first class? This is a montage of a little baby named Liv doing what babies do during their first year of life. It is these first [...]