Irene’s musings

The Importance of Ebb and Flow For Avoiding All Things Burnout.

2024-04-26T20:56:29-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle|

When was the last time you slept all day on a Sunday and really, like REALLY, rested? And, by the way, not because you were sick in bed with a flu or cold! Back in February, I did exactly this and it wasn't because I was sick. I was [...]

37 Pieces of ‘Life Living’ I’ve learned Since 1993 (probably not your usual list!).

2024-04-26T20:58:38-07:00Irene's Musings|

Do you write “to-do” lists? Either mentally or on paper? Post-it (sticky) notes? Google docs? Scraps of paper? Does this sound familiar? Here’s my challenge to you: Rather than write a big long TO-DO list, try writing the 5, 10, 25, or maybe 37 things you’ve learned since you [...]

How to Tell the Difference Between Fear and Frustration.

2024-04-26T21:01:28-07:00Irene's Musings, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Could Frustration Be The New Fear? Is fear something that you can sit with, and be with, and ponder? Do you say to yourself, "I have so much fear around 'xyz' and I have to figure out how to move forward"? I'd love to suggest that maybe semantics are [...]

Function Melts Form. Number eight in my FAQ’s and why taking some time to find proper posture is essential for longevity.

2024-04-26T21:56:06-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, I'm Smitten-With..., Movement. Awareness.|

Function.  Melts.  Form. I LOVE - like so love - those three words in that order. The order is important! It’s a title from a chapter in a book called, How Buildings Learn, by Stewart Brand. When I read it I couldn't let that concept go. What this means is that [...]

Airline flight just isn’t my cup of tea anymore. A minor epiphany with a plastic water bottle and “I’m Back”!

2024-04-26T22:32:36-07:00I'm Smitten-With..., Irene's Musings, Nervous System Resiliency, Unabriged Musings: Anecdotes from personal life|

Yesterday was a big pause. I'm back from NYC and it seems airline travel wipes me out much more these days than a few years ago. My system is a heck of a lot more sensitive to being pressurized. Perhaps it is 'age', but I'm quite sure it is [...]