kathy kain

This lady deserves a gold star! My long-form interview with Kathy Kain.

2024-04-26T18:14:16-07:00Parenting & Child Development, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I want you to meet Kathy Kain. Some of you may know her as my mentor (and colleague) who has deeply influenced my work. Many of you have experienced her work via my online program SmartBody SmartMind™. But even if you haven’t heard of her, if you stick around and [...]

What I really want you to know about mental health.

2024-04-26T18:48:53-07:00Healing Trauma, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Nervous System Health|

What I really want you to know, and what’s often misunderstood, is that nervous system rewiring and improving regulation (of the nervous system) is ALL about improving mental health. (And all the by-products that come with this, such as more restful and restorative sleep, improving our immune [...]

Traumatic stress physiology has an unpredictable response.

2024-04-29T15:15:39-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

Yes. It does. But here’s the thing: Threat. Helplessness. Abuse. Adversity. Toxic Shame…Living in a perpetual state of overriding our feelings, sensations, emotions (um hello Western society)...All of this creates a critical situation in the body’s physiology which is one of survival. We can also call this stress physiology, [...]

New Symptoms Popping Up During Your Healing Journey? Watch This.

2024-04-26T19:26:09-07:00Nervous System Health, Special Topic Lectures & Q&As|

In this Q&A style video, I answer a VERY important question about uncomfortable signs and symptoms that pop up when we enter into a deep healing process with our nervous system. Some might call this a *healing crisis* - but for me, it is simply Healing. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I mention [...]