life force energy

The power of building capacity and following biological impulses: SBSM Success with Jerika

2024-04-20T13:24:06-07:00Anger & Healthy Aggression, Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle|

I am excited to share a short video with you today (just under 7 mins), that’s from a long form interview with one of my SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM) students, Jerika (the full interview comes out Monday, February 19). In this short clip she speaks about: All the “weird” [...]

The Force of Resistance & How to Use It to Your Advantage

2024-04-20T17:45:27-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

This article is an update of a blog post originally published in December 2015. * * * Feeling stuck?  Like you’re hitting a brick wall?  Pulled back into the same self-defeating patterns again and again by some kind of magnetic force?  You might be experiencing resistance. Two things [...]

Disgust: The gateway emotion for healing toxic shame

2024-04-20T18:46:32-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

If you suffer from chronic illness or symptoms of the physical or mental variety, addictions, relationship troubles, negative thoughts or low self-worth… …it is very likely that you experienced TOXIC SHAME growing up.  Whether it was dosed out by parents, caregivers, siblings, teachers, or society in general, you [...]

How suppressing our emotions and physiology can lead to depression

2024-04-30T14:18:06-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I LOVED recording this latest vlog for you, because it tied in many different topics (plus I got to read a passage from one of my favourite books!).  Today I dive into topics like the importance of expressing physical pain at the visceral and primal animal levels. I [...]