skin health

The intricacies of holistic skin healing with Rob Stuart

2024-04-20T14:35:03-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness, Practitioners & Professionals|

Today, I have a NEW special guest interview with Rob Stuart. He helps people heal from skin “disorders” like dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and more in ways that defy the traditional medical industry.  (Please note that the quotes around “disorders” are intentional. As we’ll cover, these aren’t diseases [...]

Will this heal my ‘XYZ’? (3-year update from ’21 Day’ student Elisabeth)

2024-04-20T16:24:58-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness|

Most of the people who find this entire world of nervous system health and healing are looking for a way to solve a particular struggle.  Maybe it’s a chronic illness, a mental or physical health condition, a pattern of self-sabotage and choosing toxic relationships, or any number of [...]

Get healed, or (better yet), facilitate your own healing. Musings on the word “healer”.

2024-04-26T23:11:48-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Pain & Chronic Illness, Unabriged Musings: Anecdotes from personal life|

In my life, two major (health-related) events have catalyzed my quest for learning very detailed ‘stuff’ about my own body and various healing modalities and medicines. The first were a handful of pretty bad knee injuries that weren’t getting better with conventional therapies (actually the knee pieces got fixed [...]