The Feldenkrais Method

Feldenkrais: Sheryl Field speaks about the late Moshe Feldenkrais’ classic lecture: “To correct is incorrect”

2024-04-30T15:22:45-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Movement. Awareness.|

Click here to re-tweet "Feldenkrais: Sheryl Field speaks about the late Moshe Feldenkrais' classic lecture: "To correct is incorrect" Why we don't "Correct" or try to "Fix" people in Feldenkrais Sessions. "(we) offer the person the time. Real, ON-LINE the sensations can register and integrate with where they [...]

Achy Back and Knees? Why getting more flexibility and “smartness” in those ankles will help ease the ache (trust me on this one!)

2024-04-26T22:46:40-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Movement. Awareness., Pain & Chronic Illness|

Click here to re-tweet Achy Back and Knees? Why getting more flexibility and "smartness" in those ankles will help ease the ache (trust me on this one!) If anyone knows about achy knees it's me. Most chronic aches and pains, especially in the knees and lower back, [...]