I have a brand new video that makes the connection between stored traumatic stress (aka: trapped trauma), and the development of chronic illness that resides in our gut.  

But first, a quick note on how powerful the gut is for safety:

There’s a reason little humans (aka: children) will say they have a tummy ache when they are stressed or scared about something. 

They might not know what they’re feeling is survival stress (those fight, flight, and freeze autonomic nervous system reactions), but they sure know how to feel their tummies and communicate VIA their gut felt sense! 

[Of course, us big humans, adults, have access to this tummy sense too! The trouble is that many of us have turned down, and even turned off, this primal instinct that tells us something isn’t right, and that we’re in survival mode, and this is when things can go sideways in our overall health.]

The gut takes a hit when we are in a constant state of survival stress and fear, and how it is impacted is not only this “ache” that kids all too often feel, but a potential cascade of physiological events that can lead to poor gut health in the form poor digestion, chronic constipation, explosive diarrhea, IBS, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, etc. 

This video breaks down some of the confusion surrounding gut troubles and how our fight, flight, and most importantly our shutdown ‘freeze’ systems impact gut health. 

Here’s what one person said after watching this video: 

“Excellent video, very helpful information. These shorter videos are great. This deepened my understanding of the ramifications of being in freeze for decades.”

Many of my SmartBody SmartMind alum came into this program with various chronic illnesses, gut troubles being a big one, and with time, consistent work, and most importantly re-learning how to listen to that tummy and get out of survival stress, the system, the cells, the organs, start to slowly heal.

I hope this education sparks up your curiosity around the regeneration and repair of our body and its organs, not to mention the potential to get our gut senses back in a way that helps and informs us, rather than scaring us.