Back in the day, when I was younger (newer) at talking about my work, and what this work “looks like,” I would try to give some definitive examples of how a private session might go. 

I quickly realized that whenever I would try to do this, it would oversimplify the complexity of the human healing experience and all that might unfold when entering into somatic nervous system healing work. 

Oddly, over the past 18 months, no one had asked me this question until just a handful of weeks ago.

So, I answered with a bit of a disclaimer…

I think I did a pretty good job at making it crystal clear that even with these potential scenarios of working with a client (I prefer to call them students), I can’t truly express the art and science of what might transpire.

And so, after some reflection, an analogy popped in my mind, and THIS LATEST VIDEO is that analogy. 

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. 

It feels like another layer of understanding of this embryonic field of ‘somatic-healing-nervous system-health-trauma-resolution-embodiment-awareness’ has landed.

Click or tap below to listen to this analogy.