For today, I have a new video for you that outlines the big reasons (seven to be exact) why I believe my most powerful online curriculum, SmartBody SmartMind, has stood the test of time. And interestingly enough, it’s been about seven years since its inception!

For those who’d like a peek into what these seven reasons are, here is a quick summary): 

1 – Not a quick fix. Sometimes, we need a quick fix, like a narcotic for the intense pain of a broken bone, or local anesthetic for a dental filling. But when it comes to rewiring our nervous system and restoring somatic regulation, as well as growing our capacity to be in the environment – IT TAKES TIME.

2 – This is more about learning than healing. Believe it or not, but when we focus on re-learning how to learn, and put that focus on how our body responds to stress and its environment (be it in the moment, or the memories of it), the by-product can be healing.  

3 – We aren’t trying to get a trauma ‘release.’ This curriculum isn’t about trying to get something to happen. We are more interested in building up resiliency and regulation, so that the system can do what it needs to do (not what we ‘think’ it needs to do).

4 – Multi-modal approach. The many approaches within SBSM is one of the reasons we believe students have big success with building up their overall nervous system regulation. Body, mind, organs, stress physiology, movement that is based via awareness and not effort, and most importantly, how you are connecting with the environment, are all part of this unique approach. 

5 – This is a lifestyle. Life access! One feature we offer members is that they are welcome to come back and join our live sessions over and over again (free of charge). They can attend live calls, ask questions, and continue to get support from our professional team while we are in a live session. Therefore, the investment is once, but you continue to receive support, as well as updates to curriculum content for as long as we run the program. 

6 – Support from my professional colleagues. Similar to a class in university wherein you get help with homework and assignments via teaching assistants, the SBSM live sessions have a robust group of professional somatic moderators standing by daily to answer your questions! 

7 – You have to want to do this for You. Because this is not a quick fix (refer to #1), there must be a commitment to do the work. This can be five minutes a day. It doesn’t have to be long. The key is learning and making it consistent.

Click below to watch the video. 

Additional Resources to Complement the Vlog:

VLOG: The origin story of SBSM

VLOG: Neurosensory exercises 

VLOG: Why non-dumbed down education is essential

Alumni success share videos: 

  1. Selection of SBSM success share videos from over the years
  2. Newer self-filmed videos from 2022 (super short ones!) and the first of our success stories from 2023 (more to come!)
  3. I mentioned an upcoming chat with Alumni, David Magness. Here is the first chat we had back in 2017. Here is our second chat recorded in 2022!

PS Registration for the next (16th) round of SBSM will take place in the fall of 2024. To learn more, get on the waitlist or join us, pop across to