Bold statement I know. But, it is true.

It does take time to heal trauma, but WE have to participate. And that healing, in my professional and personal experience, starts with LEARNING.

+ plus a desire to take charge and make changes +

Those changes don’t need to be big. They can be tiny to start, and then, they grow. They grow into healing, they grow into nervous system regulation. YOU GROW. 

I’ve been sharing stories of this recently – have you watched some of them? I hope you do. These folks are braving and paving the way to a new kind of human “medicine.”

AND EARLIER THIS WEEK: students who are new to me shared that after just 2 hours of learning with me, last Saturday and Sunday, (and education ONLY), they’ve been able to shift their stressors, be with sensations differently, and be in what is often historically triggering situations differently. 

They are feeling more calm and connected, and more importantly, they feel HOPE.

This is not rocket science.

It is bridging biology + awareness + our human capacity for cognition.

This is exactly what I’ve created in my 12-week online nervous system program SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM): I’ve bridged these essential pieces together so that real deep nervous system regulation and healing can take place. I can confidently say that there is no other online program and educational, plus practical, offering like this in the world. 

Time doesn’t heal the wounds of unresolved trauma, you do.

 * * *

Extra Resources to Complement the Vlog:

You can watch the full versions of each here

Learn more about SmartBody SmartMind here

Watch more of our alumni speak about their SmartBody SmartMind experience here

Additional videos I recommend on this topic:

The origins of SmartBody SmartMind and why I put my work online

(back in 2014!) 7 reasons SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM) has stood the test of time!