Meet Mitch. Today’s share is all about his story (which echoes the story of so many people).

After a nearly 20-year journey of trying to heal from chronic disease and multiple shock traumas, Mitch finally feels like he’s found the metaphorical “needle in a haystack” that he’s been looking for all along with nervous system work.

And, as a health & wellness coach, and now a Scientuitive Practitioner-In-Training, learning how to become his own medicine was just the beginning of a much deeper transformation for him.

A few highlights from my first (but I’m sure not last) long-form chat with Mitch:

  • Mitch’s personal and professional history (aka: what led him here)
  • How shock trauma can awake the sleeping giant of stored trauma 
  • Why our symptoms can give us information when we don’t try to “fix” them
  • The deeper roots of everything from long covid to hypervigilance & anxiety
  • The possible connection between night terrors and birth or past life trauma 
  • Mitch’s experience of limbic system work (DNRS) vs. the SBSM approach
  • How he knew that he was actually getting into his old, stored survival stress 
  • The difference between creating a “state shift” and building true regulation
  • And so much more… 

(For more detail, be sure to check out the Video Chapters linked in the YouTube description.)

WATCH: ‘How hidden trauma shows up as chronic illness (Mitch’s Story)’ 

Looking for a place to start learning and healing ASAP? As Mitch mentions in our chat, he started with the 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up. This is where we lay the foundations of nervous system learning and capacity, that often leads to pretty phenomenal healing in and of itself AND prepares you to do the deeper work inside SBSM. Learn more and dive in today.

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References & resources mentioned in this video: 

Scientuitive Practitioner Track (SPT) Advanced mentorship program with Irene Lyon

➤ The Evolving Wellness Podcast with Sarah Kleiner ‘How your nervous system could be causing your chronic illness & the dangers of trying to DIY the vagus nerve with Irene Lyon’ 

Book: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD.

21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up 

SmartBody SmartMind 

Healing Trauma FREE 3-part video training (car accident scenario in video 1) 

Joe Dispenza: A Case Study. Why some healing methods work for some, and not others.

Men on a Journey – Mitch’s group

 When a client is stuck in the freeze response (Peter Levine clip)  

The Travel Project: The Legend of the Haka 

Disgust: The gateway emotion for healing toxic shame 

Book: Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson, PsyD

Past life trauma video (the story of James Leininger) 

Therapy satire – Carly Ballerini 

➤ First interview with Selden (September 2022) The power to heal what is often deemed a life sentence. SBSM Success Story

➤ Second and most recent interview with Selden (July 2024) The double-edged sword of Rx meds for “healing” ADD with Selden Beylouni