inner work

More and more, I’ve been reminding folks via my Q&A calls and live streams that we’ve been programmed to, and I generalize here: “Only take care of ourselves when something goes terribly wrong.” 

Meaning, we wait until it is almost too late to clean up our behaviours and improve our life and lifestyle. I think it’s because we’ve been conditioned to live in constant survival stress, so we wait until we are threatened with death or severe situations, and then and only then do we get serious with our health. There also seems to be a tendency to enter into our healing spurts via adrenaline (again, there’s that survival stress!); almost as if we need excitement and continual newness in order to stay motivated. 

But here’s the thing: I believe we need to learn how to take care of ourselves without needing motivation and the promise of gold stars. We just need to do it, all the time, because our life and well-being really does depend on it. It can be tough to convince anyone to take on this level of ‘blandness’ when most methods of health, healing, and self-care are based on big goals and big successes, BUT TRUST ME WHEN I SAY, bland is better if it means a continual stream of goodness and healing, dosed out over a lifetime.

Are you someone who falls prey to the hype and excitement of a new routine and REACTING to better yourself?

If you are, that’s OK, I think you are most likely in good company here, but what if these trends of self-care and healing trauma could slowly be shifted to a long-view approach that values longevity and sanity, as opposed to quick fixes and insanity?

Here’s to sustainable practices and healthy longevity!


PS This was originally posted via my Instagram channel. You can find that here.