Do you really have to attend that family gathering?
Should you explain your newfound understanding of trauma to your loved ones?
How can you avoid getting triggered by high-strung relatives?
If any of these questions sound familiar, you’re not alone.
Holidays can feel like stepping into a pressure cooker: family dynamics, financial stress, and the endless pressure to feel joyful—it’s a LOT!
The good news?
Holidays don’t have to be overwhelming or re-traumatizing. There’s a better way…
In this vlog, I expand on these 5 tips, inspired by a question from a 21 Day Tune-Up student:
Tip #1: Do you really have to go? Sometimes the best boundary is simply staying home.
Tip #2: Stay in your lane. You don’t need to teach everyone about the nervous system.
Tip #3: Set boundaries, creatively. For example, plan shorter visits or meet in neutral spaces.
Tip #4: Lean into your routines. Practices* like orienting & connecting to nature can help.
*If you’re not a student of my programs or don’t have a routine to lean into, try this Drop-In Class on Nervous System Hygiene for some simple, yet effective daily practice ideas.
Tip #5: Be practical. Simple tasks (like setting the table) can keep us present & steady.
Get the details in this week’s video (a re-release of my nervous system tips for the holidays).
Mentions/Extra Resources:
➤ 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up
➤ FREE 3-Part Healing Trauma Video Training
➤ FREE eBook: How to De-Stress in 7 Steps