Search results for: sarah kleiner

Moving away from diet dogmas to seasonal and biological eating – with expert guest Sarah Kleiner

2024-04-21T04:06:16-07:00December 27th, 2022|

I’ve got an expert guest interview for you today with certified Nutrition and Quantum Health Coach Sarah Kleiner of Sarah Kleiner Wellness (formerly the Carnivore Yogi).  As her recent rebrand suggests, Sarah isn’t one to shy away from personal evolution and following her impulse.  The first time we spoke in 2021, Sarah shared how she healed her autoimmune troubles by shifting away from veganism to a carnivore diet. In 2022 she returned to share her newfound knowledge of [...]

Harnessing the sun for health and healing with Sarah Kleiner

2024-04-30T13:56:18-07:00April 4th, 2022|

Spring has sprung up here in the Northern hemisphere, which means longer days with a lot more glow from that glorious and essential sun that we all share.  And speaking of sun and more light … Last Summer I got mildly obsessed with a topic that was completely new to me called:  Circadian Biology, which is a fancy way of saying,  How sun, and its light, regulates our internal biological rhythms.  It was one of my SmartBody Smartmind [...]

Circadian Rhythm Health 101 with Sarah Kleiner

2024-04-19T11:52:41-07:00March 31st, 2024|

Today I have a NEW long form discussion (plus a sweet little freebie) for you via another of my most frequent guests, Sarah Kleiner. This will be our fourth time chatting about subjects like circadian biology, biological eating, deep healing at a cellular level, and now… the essential “how to” info for a stronger circadian rhythm. Our previous talks are accessible via this YouTube playlist. In THIS chat we get deeper into: Sarah’s personal healing story The importance [...]

Going carnivore & healing with Sarah Kleiner (aka Carnivore Yogi)

2024-04-21T19:23:57-07:00June 27th, 2021|

Hi folks! Got another special guest interview for you today, and it might be a dicey one for some, but let’s go with it, and learn about this unique story of healing, shall we?  Meet Sarah Kleiner (aka carnivore yogi).  Sarah’s story is all about healing cellular inflammation and autoimmune troubles (gut, skin, etc.) by shifting to a carnivore (animal protein) based diet.  I know this might seem a little insane for some, and even she mentions this [...]

‘The Pitfalls of Trying to Heal Your Nervous System Via the Internet | Irene Lyon’ – The Evolving Wellness Podcast With Sarah Kleiner

2024-02-17T12:37:11-08:00February 14th, 2024|

IN THIS EPISODE - Everywhere you look there is a brand new nervous system expert promising to heal you through their work. But we need to remember that there are many ways for us to heal the body, not just one way. Listen in as Sarah Kleiner speaks with Irene Lyon who provides you with some real life actionable tools on how to heal your nervous system, help decipher who to trust, what actually works and what could actually [...]

‘Should You Detox – Cleanse or Work on Your Nervous System: Irene Lyon’ – The Evolving Wellness Podcast With Sarah Kleiner

2023-10-11T14:28:55-07:00September 18th, 2023|

IN THIS EPISODE - Join Sarah Kleiner and nervous system expert, Irene Lyon as they explore the topic of the detox/cleanse versus nervous system healing. Are they complimentary practices that support each other or should these practices be addressed on their own? And what might they have in common? Find out more in this podcast discussion. Listen to Episode

‘Stress – Trauma & the Nervous System: the Key to Healing With Irene Lyon’ – The Evolving Wellness Podcast With Sarah Kleiner

2023-10-11T14:12:43-07:00September 13th, 2023|

IN THIS EPISODE - Sarah Kleiner speaks with special guest Irene Lyon, a friend, an expert, and a passionate advocate for wellness in its deepest sense. Irene's journey in the wellness industry began with her practice in nutrition and fitness. Feeling that there was something missing, she immersed herself in the study of the nervous system, particularly its role in healing chronic diseases. Irene's pivotal interest lies in the overlap of physical health, mental wellbeing, and the often overlooked but [...]

‘The Link Between Stored Stress & Trauma and Chronic Illness & Slowed Metabolism With Irene Lyon’ – The Evolving Wellness Podcast With Sarah Kleiner

2021-02-10T10:49:58-08:00February 10th, 2021|

IN THIS EPISODE - Sarah Kleiner talks with Irene Lyon about the nervous system and how trapped stress and survival energy can cause our body to downregulate, slow the metabolism down, and create dysfunction in the gut and thyroid. Trauma and trapped survival stress may not be as obvious as you think. You will learn: How you can still have stored survival stress even if you had a pretty good childhood or no major traumatic experiences. What stored survival [...]

‘Trauma & Rewiring the Nervous System to Overcome IC – Chronic Pain & Heal for Good With Irene Lyon’ – The Evolving Wellness Podcast With Sarah Kleiner

2021-11-28T15:39:59-08:00November 28th, 2021|

IN THIS EPISODE - If you have ever dealt with IC (interstitial cystitis) - you know how debilitating the condition can be. In this interview with Irene Lyon, Sarah Kleiner talks about her experience of healing IC with her nervous system course. Listen to Episode

‘Is “Biohacking” Bypassing the Nervous System & Ignoring Trauma Healing? Irene Lyon Returns to Help You Regulate Your Nervous System!’ – The Evolving Wellness Podcast With Sarah Kleiner

2022-02-16T14:39:17-08:00February 16th, 2022|

IN THIS EPISODE - Ice bathing has become very popular but what about someone who needs to heal trauma? Does cold therapy & ice bathing bypass the nervous system and create more dysregulation? Irene Lyon returns to the YouTube channel for an in depth discussion with Sarah Kleiner on healing the nervous system through somatic methods & how we can practice things like cold therapy in a trauma informed way! Listen to Episode

‘How Your Nervous System Could be Causing Your Chronic Illness & the Dangers of Trying to DIY the Vagus Nerve With Irene Lyon’ – The Evolving Wellness Podcast With Sarah Kleiner

2022-08-31T15:51:39-07:00August 31st, 2022|

IN THIS EPISODE - Irene Lyon returns to talk with Sarah Kleiner about the importance of the nervous system in our overall healing & how this commonly ignore component could be the reason why you are not seeing progress in your journey! Listen to Episode

‘Is Your Nervous System & Stored Trauma the Reason Why You Are Unable to Lose Weight & Heal? Irene Lyon’ – The Evolving Wellness Podcast With Sarah Kleiner

2023-02-18T14:16:09-08:00February 18th, 2023|

IN THIS EPISODE - Irene Lyon returns to talk with Sarah Kleiner about how trying to DIY the nervous system could cause more harm than good & how the nervous system and stored trauma could be responsible for diabetes - cancer - autoimmune diseases and more! Listen to Episode

Why unresolved trauma can make it difficult to lose weight

2024-04-20T18:42:51-07:00March 19th, 2023|

Maintaining a healthy body weight is critical for our health and well-being.   And yet SO many people struggle to lose excess weight and find a healthy balance of muscle, bone, and fat, even after years (or decades) of following the best diets, exercise regimens, and supplement protocols.  This is a beyond frustrating experience, so I made this quick video to explain why UNRESOLVED TRAUMA is so often the missing piece on a person’s weight loss journey. Here’s what [...]

What real cellular hydration & mitochondrial health is all about – with Carrie Bennett

2024-10-29T14:44:32-07:00December 25th, 2022|

I have a very special expert guest interview for you with the lovely (and well-informed) Carrie Bennett. She’s a quantum clinician with a ton of important knowledge to share.  You may have caught our chat earlier this year about the importance of sunlight and how it impacts our circadian rhythms, gut health, hormones, sleep, and much more. (If you missed it, watch it here!)  As promised, I’m excited to share ‘round two’ of our chat: What real cellular [...]

Optimizing our health using quantum biologic principles with Corey Ghazvini

2024-04-21T16:40:36-07:00July 17th, 2022|

Over the last year, I’ve been learning about something called circadian and quantum biology.  I originally introduced this topic to my audience three months ago with this guest interview, and if you haven't watched this inaugural chat with Sarah Kleiner, consider watching this one before today’s new interview.  Via Sarah, I've been introduced to others who are leading the way around these topics, and I’m excited to share their stories, intellectual wisdom, and practical advice.  One of those [...]

Understanding sunlight for health and healing with Carrie Bennett

2024-10-29T14:46:15-07:00August 7th, 2022|

In 2001 and 2008, I dove deep into the practices and applications of the Feldenkrais Method and Somatic Experiencing, respectively.  These two finds were life and career changing for so many reasons (I talk about this on my about page).  Then last year, one of my students introduced me to the concept of circadian and quantum biology.  And now I feel like the summer of 2021 will be another one of those key years, wherein I remember when [...]

How hidden trauma shows up as chronic illness (Mitch’s story)

2024-07-18T13:14:33-07:00July 28th, 2024|

Meet Mitch. Today’s share is all about his story (which echoes the story of so many people). After a nearly 20-year journey of trying to heal from chronic disease and multiple shock traumas, Mitch finally feels like he’s found the metaphorical “needle in a haystack” that he’s been looking for all along with nervous system work. And, as a health & wellness coach, and now a Scientuitive Practitioner-In-Training, learning how to become his own medicine was just the [...]

“Pain is trapped sensation.” How nervous system work can help heal chronic pain

2024-04-20T12:39:14-07:00March 10th, 2024|

Do any of the following statements resonate with you? “I kept getting physio, acupuncture, and massage. But it wouldn’t go away.” “You go to physio, you feel a bit better, you think you’re on the mend, you start doing stuff, and then the pain just comes back full force.” “Nothing was helping. It was a little depressing.” If yes, I’ll recommend that you SAVE this blog post. Because if you are sick and tired of being in chronic [...]

The intricacies of holistic skin healing with Rob Stuart

2024-04-20T14:35:03-07:00December 17th, 2023|

Today, I have a NEW special guest interview with Rob Stuart. He helps people heal from skin “disorders” like dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and more in ways that defy the traditional medical industry.  (Please note that the quotes around “disorders” are intentional. As we’ll cover, these aren’t diseases or disorders but SYMPTOMS of something much deeper going on in the body.)  Because I’ve shared my own personal skin healing journey (check out my before and after), many of [...]

A holistic approach to restoring health at all levels with bariatric surgeon Dr. Erika La Vella

2024-04-20T15:51:47-07:00October 8th, 2023|

Today I have a NEW expert guest interview for you with the brilliant Dr. Erika La Vella.  She’s a board-certified bariatric surgeon (caring for patients with obesity), with a passion for preventative medicine and teaching people how to heal their gut in ways that go way beyond diet and nutrition.  You may have caught our chat earlier this year about birthing babies the way nature intended. (If you haven’t watched it, I highly recommend you do!) Today, she’s [...]