
THE LONG GAME WINS. Why you can’t quick-fix nervous system regulation

I see comments like these pop up on my YouTube and Instagram all the time: "It didn’t do anything." "Nothing happened." "It’s not working." These responses come from folks who try one of my neurosensory exercises and expect instant transformation.  Hey, I get it. When you're looking for [...]

Preverbal terror: how to identify, release & work with it

This week, I’m sharing my answer to another great question from a member of this community: “How do you identify and release preverbal terror from the body, how do you even get to it?” First, here’s a quick definition for those who may not be familiar:  Preverbal terror [...]

Learn to release your trauma safely (using free resources alone). Marina’s story

If you’ve ever read my emails and thought “but I can’t afford it” or “it’s only for people with money,” then this one's for you. My husband, Seth, recently interviewed Marina, an incredible woman from Egypt who healed from a mental breakdown and landed a new job – [...]

The link between anxiety & fight, flight, freeze (aka: our survival responses)

I’ve got something a little different to share with you this week…  If you’ve ever struggled with anxiety, this might be especially helpful for you. Even if you’re reading this, thinking, ‘Nah, that’s not me. No anxiety here,’ I’ll nudge you to pay attention.  Anxiety isn’t just mental [...]

Service to others via nervous system healing (Bernadet’s story)

Meet Bernadet. Today’s share is all about her story, but it’s also about much more than that…  It’s about how her own healing, via the nervous system education and practices that we teach in SBSM, has rippled out into the lives of the children she now works with [...]

A jaw-dropping passage in Bessel van der Kolk’s book, “The Body Keeps The Score”

If you're landing on this blog post, you have found some keynotes that Irene wanted to capture from the registration period of SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) in September 2024. She highlighted an important passage from Bessel van der Kolk's book, The Body Keeps The Score, via two different social [...]

The time I invested $2K (I didn’t technically have) in myself… and it paid off!

The first time I ever bought an online program was in 2011. I was on an unsecured connection at a Starbucks in Bellevue, Washington. I still remember punching in my credit card number, wondering if I should be doing that (was it safe?).  The online program I bought was [...]

Are you truly regulated… or just managing dysregulation?

This week, we have a short video on what TRUE nervous system regulation looks like (hint: it's not what you think). You'll also find out why using techniques to regulate, though maybe helpful in the short term, doesn't create true, sustainable regulation long-term – and how simple ''hacks'' [...]

Coping mechanisms & early trauma – an alternative to going “cold turkey”

Nuanced nervous system education from inside SBSM…  Registration for the next round of SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) is just around the corner!  And before doors open THIS Tuesday, September 3, we wanted to share one final nugget of nervous system education.  You’ll also find a run-down of what to [...]