
The Rise of False Prophets and Why Following Them Won’t Make You Feel Better

BY IRENE LYON I sat in front of my computer a few weeks ago writing an article on the ten lesser known habits to optimize your business success this year and I was hit with another thought that deserved some exploration. It was a thought about false prophets and [...]

37 Pieces of ‘Life Living’ I’ve learned Since 1993 (probably not your usual list!).

Do you write “to-do” lists? Either mentally or on paper? Post-it (sticky) notes? Google docs? Scraps of paper? Does this sound familiar? Here’s my challenge to you: Rather than write a big long TO-DO list, try writing the 5, 10, 25, or maybe 37 things you’ve learned since you [...]

2024-04-26T20:58:38-07:00Irene's Musings|

How to Tell the Difference Between Fear and Frustration.

Could Frustration Be The New Fear? Is fear something that you can sit with, and be with, and ponder? Do you say to yourself, "I have so much fear around 'xyz' and I have to figure out how to move forward"? I'd love to suggest that maybe semantics are [...]

The environmentalist in me has this to say

I must start with a piece from environmentalist Paul Hawken. He writes in The Ecology of Commerce – A Declaration of Sustainability: “In our pursuit of growth at any cost, we have mimicked an immature ecosystem with unlimited resources. A mature economic system would appreciate an ancient forest [...]

The Stresses and Subtleties of Institutionalized and Industrialized Child Abuse.

Day after day I'm seeing real life scenarios in my private practice that back-up a study - The ACE Study - that showcases the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and it's role in adult disease and illness. WARNING - For some this might hit close to home. This [...]