Parenting & Child Development

Includes shame, healthy relationships, family, generational trauma, early developmental trauma, raising healthy humans

Understanding the difference between healthy shame & toxic shame with Seth Lyon

2025-03-11T03:40:27-07:00Early and Developmental Trauma, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Parenting & Child Development|

Shame can be a spicy topic to talk about and get to know. Especially if we were abused with a lot of toxic shame growing up.  I started to learn about the complexities of shame when I was in the higher levels of Somatic Experiencing (SE) training, and [...]

Why we learn to push through when our boundaries aren’t respected

2024-04-26T14:19:35-07:00Parenting & Child Development, Relationships & Social Connection|

Every now and then, a comment comes through my YouTube channel that creates an array of emotions within me, and reminds me why:  a) my work is super important b) your work is super important My work is being the educator and messenger that I am.  Your work [...]