Trauma & Survival Physiology

Nervous system education, polyvagal theory, ACE study

How suppressing our emotions and physiology can lead to depression

2024-04-30T14:18:06-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I LOVED recording this latest vlog for you, because it tied in many different topics (plus I got to read a passage from one of my favourite books!).  Today I dive into topics like the importance of expressing physical pain at the visceral and primal animal levels. I [...]

A chat with Donnie Hill and honoring the pain in the black community

2024-04-26T15:23:00-07:00Practitioners & Professionals, Relationships & Social Connection, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

A few months ago I was pondering the concept of starting up a podcast.  Slowly, and in secret, over the past two months, I’ve met some of my peers and have recorded four enriching and educational long-form conversations that will be part of this podcast ‘start-up.’ (And we’re [...]

Made these for you (plus an important note about staying embodied)

2024-04-26T15:45:59-07:00Free Stuff, Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I just wanted to write this post to remind you of the many free resources you have access to via my website and YouTube Channel, and all of them, as you may have guessed, are geared towards helping you become more educated and regulated when it comes [...]