
How toxic shame creates the fallout we call depression

2024-04-29T15:15:50-07:00Nervous System Health, Parenting & Child Development|

I want to share something with you that often gets confused or misunderstood: The link between Depression and Shame. A few weeks back I was responding to a question in my Facebook community, Healthy Nervous System Revolution, and it had to do with the connections between shame and depression, and [...]

New Symptoms Popping Up During Your Healing Journey? Watch This.

2024-04-26T19:26:09-07:00Nervous System Health, Special Topic Lectures & Q&As|

In this Q&A style video, I answer a VERY important question about uncomfortable signs and symptoms that pop up when we enter into a deep healing process with our nervous system. Some might call this a *healing crisis* - but for me, it is simply Healing. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I mention [...]

Anger As Medicine: How to Cure Self-Sabotaging Behaviours

2024-04-29T15:17:20-07:00Anger & Healthy Aggression|

“People diagnosed with cancer or autoimmune disease, with chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, or with potentially debilitating neurological conditions, are often enjoined to relax, to think positively, to lower their stress levels. All that is good advice, but impossible to carry out if one of the major sources is [...]

Feeling Angry? This Exercise Should Help (Plus, Never-Before-Seen Footage of My One-on-One Work!)

2024-04-26T20:53:33-07:00Anger & Healthy Aggression, Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle|

There has only been one time that I have ever purchased something other than a beverage or pastry while sitting in a Starbucks. It was late winter of 2011 and I was hanging out in a Starbucks (in Bellevue, Washington of all places!) and on an impulse, I [...]