
Are you falling off the healing path? Please Remember This!

2024-04-26T17:03:46-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

Do you ever feel like ALL the healing work you’re doing is going nowhere … or do you ever find your mind spiraling into something that goes like this: “I must be doing something wrong because I’m feeling more activation and intense sensation!?” I fully understand this. For example, I had my [...]

What I really want you to know about mental health.

2024-04-26T18:48:53-07:00Healing Trauma, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Nervous System Health|

What I really want you to know, and what’s often misunderstood, is that nervous system rewiring and improving regulation (of the nervous system) is ALL about improving mental health. (And all the by-products that come with this, such as more restful and restorative sleep, improving our immune [...]

Why your “healthy lifestyle” routine needs to include healing your nervous system

2024-04-26T19:37:09-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle|

'. A participant in one of my programs improved her blood chemistry, decreased her pain by 90% and reduced her inflammation. And she did it all by focusing on one thing: reducing the over-activation of the autonomic nervous system. "But what about eating healthy and exercising?" you ask. Yes, [...]

How To Live Longer with Less Sickness. Part 2: The Goldilocks Nature of Cortisol.

2024-04-26T19:40:40-07:00Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness|

In Part 1 of this series, How To Live Longer with Less Sickness, I wrote about the importance of not scaring yourself into stress reactivity 24/7 and becoming more aware when it does happen. If you haven’t read this piece, I’d start HERE, and then come back to [...]

How To Live Longer with Less Sickness. PART 1: Stop Scaring Yourself!

2024-04-26T19:41:43-07:00Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness|

I love learning. Last week I shared a success with you. A participant in one of my programs who improved her blood chemistry, decreased pain by 90% and reduced inflammation...all by focusing on one thing: reducing the over-activation of the autonomic nervous system. I want to dive further [...]