
The link between anxiety & fight, flight, freeze (aka: our survival responses)

2024-09-19T07:46:34-07:00Anxiety, Live Events, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Nervous System Health|

I’ve got something a little different to share with you this week…  If you’ve ever struggled with anxiety, this might be especially helpful for you. Even if you’re reading this, thinking, ‘Nah, that’s not me. No anxiety here,’ I’ll nudge you to pay attention.  Anxiety isn’t just mental [...]

Intergenerational trauma – on feeling (and healing) the pain of our ancestors

2024-04-20T15:42:08-07:00Parenting & Child Development|

“Pain travels through families until someone is ready to feel it.” - Stephi Wagner Intergenerational trauma is trauma that’s been passed down through generations; also known as generational, transgenerational, or ancestral trauma.  This is never a fun one to write about, but it is true that we ‘keep’ [...]

How to help anxious kids who are behaving ‘badly,’ with Stephen Terrell

2024-04-20T15:59:04-07:00Parenting & Child Development, Practitioners & Professionals|

I’m re-sharing an important interview featuring my wonderful mentor and colleague, Stephen Terrell. Here’s what we’ll cover: What this ‘bad’ behaviour actually is from a nervous system perspective. Why attempts to fix or change this behaviour are often futile (and what parents can do instead!). Why even parents [...]

Mental Health and Illness – The Nervous System Connection

2024-07-15T10:13:28-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Pain & Chronic Illness|

This article is an update of a blog post originally published in July 2019.  Some important context, four years on: The unpredictability of our world is now apparent and our need for healing, increasingly urgent. As the paradigm of conventional “wisdom” around our health and well-being shifts, it’s [...]

Why meditating & cold plunging in paradise won’t heal your trauma

2024-04-20T17:18:02-07:00Spirituality & Somatic Bypass|

Today I’m re-sharing one of my all-time favourite nervous system healing success stories, featuring my husband and colleague, Seth Lyon.  “Why meditating & cold plunging in paradise won’t heal your trauma.”  (We gave it this title because that is exactly what Seth attempted to do.) After a traumatizing [...]

Returning to our roots. A story of healing and regeneration with Kate Kavanaugh.

2024-04-20T17:38:49-07:00Parenting & Child Development, Practitioners & Professionals|

Today, I have a NEW long-form conversation for you about earth, humanity, and the deep interconnection between the two with my good friend, Kate Kavanaugh.  She’s a farmer, butcher, holistic nutritionist, and host of the Mind Body Soil podcast, exploring what it means to be a human woven [...]

Why survival-based eating might be keeping you dysregulated, up at night, and irritable.

2024-04-20T18:28:10-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Practitioners & Professionals|

I’ve got a very special treat for you today—an expert guest interview with Jessica Ash. She’s a Functional Nutritionist and self-proclaimed “hormone nerd” who’s here to teach you how to use food to become FULLY NOURISHED.  I found her on Instagram less than a year ago, while working [...]