biology of stress

The power of building capacity and following biological impulses: SBSM Success with Jerika

2024-04-20T13:24:06-07:00Anger & Healthy Aggression, Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle|

I am excited to share a short video with you today (just under 7 mins), that’s from a long form interview with one of my SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM) students, Jerika (the full interview comes out Monday, February 19). In this short clip she speaks about: All the “weird” [...]

The intricacies of holistic skin healing with Rob Stuart

2024-04-20T14:35:03-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness, Practitioners & Professionals|

Today, I have a NEW special guest interview with Rob Stuart. He helps people heal from skin “disorders” like dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and more in ways that defy the traditional medical industry.  (Please note that the quotes around “disorders” are intentional. As we’ll cover, these aren’t diseases [...]

The origin story of procrastination, self-sabotage, & fleeing from health

2024-04-20T16:59:02-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

Find yourself regularly fleeing from what you want or need to do for your health and happiness? Not really sure why?  I’ve got a good one for you today: The origin story of procrastination, self-sabotage, & fleeing from health. The vlog was inspired by my most popular social [...]

Why meditating & cold plunging in paradise won’t heal your trauma

2024-04-20T17:18:02-07:00Spirituality & Somatic Bypass|

Today I’m re-sharing one of my all-time favourite nervous system healing success stories, featuring my husband and colleague, Seth Lyon.  “Why meditating & cold plunging in paradise won’t heal your trauma.”  (We gave it this title because that is exactly what Seth attempted to do.) After a traumatizing [...]