nervous system

Why Waking Up the Tiger is Essential to Break-Free from Feeling Trapped

2024-04-26T20:42:56-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

. I received this question from a member of our community: What does waking the tiger actually mean? "Waking up the tiger" means waking up our fight-flight survival energy impulses. In this video, I explain to you where the term came from and why it's important to your nervous [...]

Why So Many Entrepreneurs Spin Their Wheels & Stay Stuck (Even When Doing “All” the Right Things!)

2024-04-26T20:50:24-07:00Breakthrough Burnout, Practitioners & Professionals|

The term ‘inner game’ was coined in the mid-70’s by tennis athlete and coach, Tim Gallway. Tim’s first book, The Inner Game Of Tennis, was not about technique and figuring out your opponent’s strategy, but rather figuring out how your own internal, or inner game world, works, [...]

Childhood Traumas and Adverse Experiences: Why They Stop You in Your Tracks & Force You to Play Small

2024-04-26T20:55:35-07:00Parenting & Child Development, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Being a self-employed holistic practitioner, mind-body expert and "healer" means, at this point in time at least, there are no fast tracks to finding clients, students, and patients. You have to find them yourself. The irony is that who fall in this boat, so to speak, are downright [...]

Why Going into Your Automatic Freeze Response (aka: Dorsal Branch of Your Parasympathetic Nervous System, or Rest-Digest Mode) can Save Your Skin. Lessons from the Wild

2024-04-26T22:48:58-07:00Nervous System Resiliency, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Click here to re-tweet 'why going into your automatic freeze response can save your skin. Lessons from the wild. My good colleague-friend Anthony 'Twig' Wheeler told me about this video clip a few days back. (thanks Twig!, and thanks to Neal Winbald for having them on his site). We [...]