nervous system

Two absolute truths when choosing a nervous system teacher or online program

2024-05-23T13:35:16-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health, Practitioners & Professionals|

Two absolute truths when it comes to choosing your nervous system teacher, plus some key differentiating factors that I believe set my 12-week nervous system rewire curriculum, aka: SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM)™ apart from other online nervous system courses: Absolute truth #1: Who is the teacher? One thing that is [...]

“You can’t have the words ‘nervous system’ on your site!”

2024-04-26T16:10:01-07:00Irene's Musings, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

“Tis true, that title! Someone once told me to keep the words, nervous system, off of my website.  Funny, right?  Chances are that you are here BECAUSE you’re interested in healing (and regulating) your nervous system.  Which is awesome, by the way. But a few years back, this [...]

How toxic shame creates the fallout we call depression

2024-04-29T15:15:50-07:00Nervous System Health, Parenting & Child Development|

I want to share something with you that often gets confused or misunderstood: The link between Depression and Shame. A few weeks back I was responding to a question in my Facebook community, Healthy Nervous System Revolution, and it had to do with the connections between shame and depression, and [...]