Peter Levine

The environmentalist in me has this to say

2024-04-26T21:06:37-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle|

I must start with a piece from environmentalist Paul Hawken. He writes in The Ecology of Commerce – A Declaration of Sustainability: “In our pursuit of growth at any cost, we have mimicked an immature ecosystem with unlimited resources. A mature economic system would appreciate an ancient forest [...]

Did you know that taking a deep breath to relax is actually counter-productive?

2024-07-17T04:26:38-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

When we are more active; during exercise, when we go up a flight of stairs or run for the bus, our breathing should increase. When we are relaxed; reading a book, watching TV or sleeping, our breathing goes down because our metabolism is slower. Why do we find [...]

Lessons from a Stubbed Toe: “Accident-Trauma-First Aid”

2024-04-26T22:57:30-07:00Irene's Musings, Nervous System Resiliency, Trauma & Survival Physiology, Unabriged Musings: Anecdotes from personal life|

Stubbing my toe in Berkeley I was walking quite fast through the residential area of Berkeley, California, this past October. I was wearing my open-toed Birkenstock sandals when BAM! “Ouch, #!^*…Oh, that REALLY hurts...” An uneven slab of sidewalk had put an abrupt stop to the forward motion of my second toe [...]